In a shocking turn of events, the Republican National Committee (RNC) finds itself at the center of controversy following the appointment of former North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of Donald Trump , to its leadership. This move has ignited a wave of discontent among conservatives, nudging a former White House official and several disillusioned donors to call for a boycott of donations to the RNC. Olivia Troye, a former RNC staffer who later advised the Trump White House on national security matters, took to MSNBC to express her dismay over the RNC’s shift towards what she perceives as becoming the “Trump legal defense fund.” The host questioned, “Olivia, you once worked for the RNC. How do you view this installation of Watley and Trump?” To which she replied, “I think it is horrific. I think the RNC, well, yes, they’ll support the presidential candidate, but they are supposed to be supporting Republicans across the board, Republican candidates.”
Troye’s call for a donation boycott resonates with a growing number of Republicans who are disillusioned by the nepotism displayed within the party’s leadership ranks. She further added, “Instead, I feel like this is officially, overtly, become the Trump legal defense fund. So I would say to Republican voters and independents stop donating to the party because the candidates are not going to see that money— we know that. Think about where your funds are going and if you care about electing rational sane Republicans, focus on them directly maybe, or turn away from what this is. Because, really, this is just an enabler for Trump and it’s embarrassing.” The decision to elevate Lara Trump to a prominent position within the RNC has nudged backlash from long-time GOP donors who feel alienated by what they perceive as a departure from the party’s principles. Peter Henlein, a U.S. Army Iraq War Veteran, declared his intentions, “Lara Trump is now Co-Chair of the RNC. After a lifetime of donating to every GOP nominee and multiple down-ballot candidates every cycle….I’m out. I donated to help win elections, not to maintain the lifestyle of a billionaire. No point donating now. I will not donate another penny to the GOP as long as she is involved in its leadership.”
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As per the reports of Raw Story , many conservatives are opting to direct their financial support towards individual candidates and causes aligned with their principles, rather than funneling it through the RNC. @Noaharkmoney resonated the same emotions and exclaimed, “MAGA [GOP] not getting a dime from me ever again. Good luck trying to raise money for Trump’s legal issues.” Gen Z conservative Republican Ayden David Marietta asserted, “I will focus on down-ballot races this year. But if these idiots aren’t ousted or they don’t wake up nationally in 2024, I will see to it they will. We must RECLAIM THE PARTY OF LINCOLN, COOLIDGE, AND REAGAN!!”
The sentiment expressed by disillusioned donors underscores the challenges facing the RNC as it seeks to navigate a post-Trump era while balancing competing factions within the party.