Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Could Possibly Be Blamed for Donald Trump's Assassination Attempt

Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Could Possibly Be Blamed for Donald Trump's Assassination Attempt
Cover Image Source; (Inset): Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker

The assassination attack on Donald Trump left his supporters, allies, and his family in absolute shock, including the FBI, who's asking the same question as the rest of America, "How can it possibly happen" amid all the security? However, one former agent, who served in the FBI for 25 years, seems to have the answer to who could've framed Trump's assassination. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff Swensen
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff Swensen


It was indeed a security disaster since the roof where the shooter positioned himself was only 150 yards from the stage where Trump addressed the MAGA crowd. However, Frank Figliuzzi, a secret service agent for over two decades, discussed with Daily Mail who could be blamed for the missed assassination attempt at the United States former president and a 2024 presidential candidate. 



According to Figliuzzi, who has seen countless rallies and how they are organized, it is highly likely that the miscommunication between the Secret Service (responsible for security within an enclosed perimeter) and the local police (who are most commonly in charge of the wider zones) is to be blamed for the failure to prevent the shooting attempt. 



He further explained, "Responsibility for every post, every zone, every rooftop needs to be clearly assigned and this division of roles should have been clear to everyone. This is standard practice for the Secret Service. It's carried out at hundreds of events during the run-up to an election but it's also potentially new territory for each local police department." 



The presumptive Republican presidential nominee delivered a speech in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, when a shooter identified as a 20-year-old young man named Thomas Matthew Crook aimed at Trump. Although the assassination attempt was fortunately unsuccessful, it could have been worse. Meanwhile, some others argue that the Secret Service sniper had a clear view of the rooftop, so how he could miss the shooter? 



Figliuzzi said the explanation for it could be that the Secret Service could have assumed the shooter was the police sniper, "a part of their team." But, he reiterated it was a communication failure, "When it comes to planning for events such as this, I would expect police and Secret Service teams to not only meet and introduce themselves but map out their specific roles in detail. They ought to have been able to recognize each other by sight." 



The pressure is looming on the Secret Service for their negligence. The current sitting President Joe Biden, a political rival to Trump, called for an "independent review" of security measures in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt. Less than 24 hours into the unfortunate moment, Congress is demanding answers from the security agency as to why the rooftop, where the shooter was positioned, wasn't covered, as per The New York Times. 



House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana, said on Sunday, July 14, 2024, "Congress will do a full investigation of the tragedy yesterday to determine where there were lapses in security and anything else that the American people need to know and deserve to know."

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