At least five UFO sightings have been reported in Florida in an outbreak of unexplained appearances that spanned the last week. In the wake of the influx of UFO sightings in Florida, sightings reported by numerous witnesses to organizations such as MUFON, at least one of those who experienced a UFO sighting has now reported that he was visited by the notorious Men in Black.
Bizarre triangular UFO ‘could NOT have been a plane’
— The Mirror (@DailyMirror) July 28, 2016
As EnStarz reports, the Florida UFO outbreak is just part of a much larger pattern in the US. Reportedly, over the last few months, the number of UFO sightings in the U.S. has soared, and may have even peaked last week in Florida when at least five UFO sighting events were reported. Many of the sightings were observed by multiple witnesses and several were even caught on tape. The Florida UFO outbreak stretched across the entire state.
Admittedly, some of the recorded evidence that surfaced in the midst of the current Florida UFO outbreak could have depicted easily-explainable, earth-based UFOs rather than flying saucers full of little green men. However, some of the footage reportedly shows lights and sights in the sky that are much more difficult to explain away.
With so many people having witnessed at least one of the recent Florida UFO events, it’s no wonder that some of the state’s residents are a little on edge.
At least one of the Florida UFO outbreak witnesses reported his experience, which he shared with his child, to MUFON. The organization is one of the largest and the oldest civilian UFO investigative organizations in the United States. MUFON is a non-profit group, and after the Air Force stopped directly investigating UFO sightings, the organization largely took over the process in the U.S. It’s a trusted UFO investigative group and makes it easy for witnesses of UFO activity to report what they’ve seen.
According to the Florida UFO outbreak witness, who has chosen to remain unidentified to maintain his personal privacy, he and his son saw at least five UFOs in the skies above Florida. He wasn’t the only witness to the Florida event, either. According to reports, his Florida UFO outbreak encounter was shared by neighbors. The witness recorded his encounter, and other local residents also reportedly caught the Florida UFO sighting on camera.
Rather than be surrounded by disbelief, the Florida UFO witness was actually receiving a lot of public support and even corroboration of his version of events. If UFO history is any indication, the fact that he wasn’t seen as a crackpot may have contributed to the next, more disturbing, part of his tale.
Reportedly, following his MUFON report and additional witnesses publicly supporting his version of his Florida UFO outbreak sighting, he got a visit by the Men in Black. The Men in Black are the boogeymen of the UFO community. According to paranormal legend, they’re government lackeys or even extraterrestrials themselves. Some say that they could be both. Regardless, many witnesses to unexplained UFO events, from mere sightings to complex abductions, have claimed to have encountered them.
According to the Florida UFO witness, not long after he reported his Florida UFO sighting to MUFON, he got an unexpected and unwelcome visit from the Men in Black. He claims that the men, who described themselves as “government agents,” ordered him to keep his story to himself. He claims that after his initial encounter with the men, they returned two more times. Both times, the Florida UFO witness claims that the mysterious Men in Black used threats and intimidation against himself and his family, telling him to stop talking about what he saw and experienced.
It’s impossible to confirm the validity of the Florida witness’ reported Men in Black encounter, but the report that more and more people seem to be witnessing UFO activity both in Florida and across the country is definitely a fact. Especially when you consider reporting rates, which are recorded by multiple organizations such as MUFON.
According to UFO Stalker data, global UFO reports are up fully 15 percent over last year. It’s difficult to say if there are more UFOs in the sky, if more people are simply noticing what they didn’t before or if more people are reporting the strange things they see.
What do you think? Do you believe that Florida or maybe even the entire globe is in the midst of a massive UFO outbreak?
[Image via Shutterstock]