Farrah Abraham gave fans something to talk about with her latest Instagram video, which showed her walking up the steps from the pool in a tiny string bikini with thong bottoms. She carried a coconut drink in one hand, and wore her hair down. In her captions, Farrah gave a shout-out to her plastic surgeon, by saying “thanks to @drsheilanazarian #galderma check out IG channel for her booty secret.”
The video garnered some mixed reactions, with some sending their compliments while others criticized Abraham. Many people seemed to believe that her daughter, Sophia, was the one taking the photo. Those fans expressed their concern for Sophia, while others defended Farrah and told them to go elsewhere if they didn’t like her page.
Meanwhile, others focused on the mention of the plastic surgeon. Dr. Nazarian practices in Beverly Hills, and offers traditional plastic surgery, as well as non-surgical procedures. According to her website, some of her specialties include tummy tucks, liposuctions, and breast augmentation.
Abraham also shared another video with the same geo-tag of Ayada, Maldives, where she and Sophia are laying on top of a clear glass with an aquarium underneath. The two laid on the ground with pillows under their heads, as they positioned their bodies to look like a heart.
In other news, fans were looking forward to a celebrity boxing match between Farrah and Flavor of Love’s Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander. However, Farrah pulled out, which has led to former Teen Mom OG co-star Catelynn Baltierra doing some smack talking on social media, detailed People .
“Going to Atlantic City was supposed to see Farrah get laid the hell out by Hoopz thennn she dropped out! Still going to support our girl Hoopz tho! #scaredsissy #growapair.”
Regardless of what Catelynn said, Abraham has maintained that her decision was merely based on the contract, which was not being followed through properly.
“They have not gotten flights or delivered on contractual obligations as well as safety.”
And months earlier, Farrah was in the headlines after a sad sequence of events involving their dog, detailed Hidden Remote . It all started when Abraham encouraged her daughter, Sophia, to tell a friend that their dog had died as a joke. Many people criticized the move, saying it’s not funny. And then days later, their own dog, Blue, passed away.
Meanwhile, Farrah continues to update her 1.6 million follower on Instagram, including using stories to show off her lifestyle.