When Fani Willis Was Warned, 'Recuse' from Donald Trump Case or Face 'Jail' by Co-Defendant

When Fani Willis Was Warned, 'Recuse' from Donald Trump Case or Face 'Jail' by Co-Defendant
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alyssa Pointer-Pool (Inset) Photo by Fulton County Sheriff

Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis finds herself in a precarious position as one of Donald Trump's co-defendants in the Georgia election interference case. A threat looms over her legal horizon: either she recuses herself from the case by Monday noon or faces potential legal action.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Dennis Byron-Pool
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Dennis Byron-Pool


As Trump runs for a second term in office, he is dealing with four criminal issues, as per CBS News. This is one of them. Trump believes that all of the accusations made against him are politically motivated, and he has continuously refuted them. Harrison Floyd said on X, the former Twitter platform: "I don't want to put a black woman in Jail. But if Fani Willis does not recuse herself from this case by noon on Monday, I may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies. Make Fulton Great Again."



Floyd provided excerpts of an alleged Atlanta Journal-Constitution article indicating that Willis's office disseminated a taped conversation between Willis and his lawyer, Carlos J.R. Salvado, regarding a separate criminal case in Maryland. Floyd theorized that Willis' office might have broken the Maryland Wiretap Act, which states that you cannot record a private phone call or in-person discussion unless you are a party to the conversation and have everyone's consent. Eleven states—including Maryland—require two-party authorization for recording a conversation, but the majority of states only allow recording of one side at a time.



A private communication recorded without both parties' consent may result in up to five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both under Maryland's Wiretap Act. Newsweek contacted the Fulton County District Attorney's office outside of regular business hours for a response. A similar charge against Willis was leveled by Floyd's lawyer Christopher Kachouroff on Tuesday in an interview with Phil Holloway.

When asked about Willis, he replied: "She did reach out to us, one of my colleagues in Maryland, and was rude, abrupt with him on the phone, and he was dealing with the Maryland case and I was dealing with the Georgia case, and she ended up recording him." In response to Holloway's question about whether Kachouroff was implying that Willis had secretly recorded the talk, he said, "Oh yeah, it's a felony in Maryland."


On Wednesday, Floyd made the following statement on X: "Fani Willis ILLEGALLY recorded a [phone emoji] call with my lawyer." "Its a felony! She is a DEI [diversity, equality and inclusion] thug with a law license. Will anyone in GA stand up to her?" Between August 24 and August 30, when a $100,000 bond was secured, Floyd, the former head of Black Voices for Trump, is the only one of Trump's co-defendants who has been imprisoned in the Georgia case.

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