Fani Willis Hired Nathan Wade For Donald Trump's Case After Two Others Declined: New Report

Fani Willis Hired Nathan Wade For Donald Trump's Case After Two Others Declined: New Report
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos By (L) Joe Raedle; (R) Elijah Nouvelage

In a recent development, it turned out that Fani Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County, apparently hired attorney Nathan Wade to lead the legal pursuit against Donald Trump and 18 others involved in the attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia only after two other lawyers turned her down. However, recent accusations suggesting a romantic involvement between Willis and Wade are sparking concerns about his prior professional engagements and competence. This situation might negatively affect one of the four criminal cases against the former President. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Joe Raedle


CBS News mentioned that Willis strongly supported Wade during a speech at a historically Black church in Atlanta last Sunday. Commending him as a stellar professional with outstanding qualifications uniquely suited for the complex prosecution, she didn't explicitly mention that Wade was, at most, her third pick for the crucial position.



Faced with the challenge of finding someone within the DA's office possessing the necessary stature and credentials, Willis explored options with at least two other prominent legal figures in Atlanta before ultimately selecting Wade. Initially, she approached Roy Barnes, the former governor of Georgia and a top-tier lawyer in the state, to take on the role of senior counsel in the case. However, he declined the offer. Following Barnes' refusal, Willis turned to Gabe Banks, a well-regarded former federal prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer in Atlanta. 



However, Banks also declined the offer, with both him and Barnes expressing reservations about the anticipated threats accompanying such a politically charged case. While Barnes didn't delve into details about his discussions with Willis, he nodded to these concerns in an interview. He said, "Hypothetically speaking, do you want a bodyguard following you around for the rest of your life?" In the end, Willis looked to Wade, a longstanding friend and mentor, to take on the crucial role.



Meanwhile, as reported by AP News, the allegations about a romance between Willis and Wade emerged last week due to a motion filed by a defense attorney representing a former Trump campaign staffer. However, no concrete evidence was presented to support the claim. The attorney aimed to have the indictment dismissed and to disqualify Willis and Wade from the case. Willis' relative quietness on the matter for over a week has allowed Trump and other critics to exploit the allegations as the former President endeavors to reclaim the White House. Beyond its impact on this case, Willis is facing reelection this year, and the way she ultimately addresses this situation could potentially become a focal point in the campaign.



Furthermore, Willis assured her colleagues that Wade possessed the expertise and resilience necessary to navigate the aggressive legal strategies expected from Trump's lawyers and their co-counsel in the courtroom battle. Interestingly, Wade wasn't appointed as the primary courtroom attorney in the case, according to a source close to the matter. Additionally, doubts were being raised about Wade's legal acumen and whether he was adequately equipped for one of the nation's most prominent legal cases, leading to some uncomfortable questions about his capabilities as a lawyer, in the wake of the affair allegations. 

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