Fact-Checker Expresses Shock at Trump's ‘Jabberwocky’ Lies in Nevada Interview: ‘My Goodness!’

Fact-Checker Expresses Shock at Trump's ‘Jabberwocky’ Lies in Nevada Interview: ‘My Goodness!’
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

After a recent interview with a Nevada news outlet, Donald Trump was subjected to thorough fact-checking by an experienced journalist who was taken aback by his 'Jabberwocky' statements. Even though Trump has little chance of winning the state in November as per newsman, Jon Ralston on X, he still confidently argues otherwise.

Trump in an interview with Reno station 2 News Nevada, said that he would win the 'very special' state by a margin of 13 points, Raw Story reported. "Reality: He has lost NV twice, and almost no chance he wins by double digits," Ralston wrote, in response to Trump's claims.



The state's long-running political controversy centers on the huge resistance against storing radioactive waste atop Yucca Mountain. Trump declared he is vehemently opposed to the notion, which Ralston refuted once more. "On Yucca Mountain: Trump claimed he is 'strongly against it.' This is a lie.

Trump repeatedly put Yucca in his budget! He suddenly came out against it as an election-year epiphany! And: 'That area is thriving.' WHAT? This is all jabberwocky from him," the fact-checker asserted.



Furthermore, Trump stated that he is keeping an eye on the state's GOP Senate contest, calling it 'tight'. However, according to recent surveys, GOP candidate, Sam Brown, was leading 'by quite a bit'.

Ralston argued, "The GOP Senate primary here is not tight, as the interviewer said. Sam Brown will win, and Trump signaled he will endorse him, now that he is sure Brown will win."

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker


Trump even threw in that he loved 'the Hispanics.' As per 2 News Nevada, Trump claimed, "I'm leading in Miami. I'm leading along the Texas border, which is almost all Hispanic, and leading by big numbers. I've been great to them. They're incredible people. They're smart and entrepreneurial people you know; I like them. And they like me." In response, "My goodness," was all Ralston could muster.



Trump's lies about winning Nevada are only a part of his election denial. In a lawsuit filed in Nevada earlier this month, Trump, the Republican National Committee, and the Nevada Republican Party— all entities under his ownership— argued that any mail-in votes that are not received by Election Day should not be tallied, Nevada Current reported.

Mail-in votes must be postmarked by Election Day and received by county election authorities within four days of Election Day for Nevada law to necessitate their counting.



Nearly comparable to a lawsuit Republicans filed in Mississippi at the beginning of the year, the case is quite dangerous. Even if Trump loses every suit, they serve as a platform for casting doubts on the results before they are announced.

Democrats vote by mail more often than Republicans, which is the sole reason they are seeking to reduce the amount of postal ballots that are tallied. According to the lawsuit, 60.3% of Democratic voters and just 36.9% of Republican voters cast mail-in ballots in Nevada's general election of 2020.

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