Elon Musk's Estranged Daughter Pens Scathing Posts, Deems Dad a 'Serial Adulterer' and a 'Liar'

Elon Musk's Estranged Daughter Pens Scathing Posts, Deems Dad a 'Serial Adulterer' and a 'Liar'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chesnot; (inset) YouTube | E! News

Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk's estranged daughter, has accused her father of being a "serial adulterer" in fresh scathing posts on Threads, which is owned by Meta (a competitor to X). As per People magazine, Wilson, 20, blasted her father for fabricating stories about her on social media, in books, and in interviews. "You are not a Christian. As far as I'm aware you've never stepped foot in a church. You are not some 'bastion for equality and progress'", she wrote. 



"You are not 'saving the planet.' You do not give a f-ck about climate change and you're lying about multi-planetary civilization as both an excuse and because you want to seem like the CEO from Ready Player One...I would mention the birth rate stuff, but I am not touching that weird 14-word breeder s--- with a ten-foot pole,” she continued. Wilson also recalled a time when Musk allegedly called Arabic the “language of the enemy” when she was 6 years old. “You single-handedly disillusioned me with how gullible we are as a species,” she wrote, and added, “because somehow people keep believing you for reasons that continue to evade me.”

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Michael M. Santiago
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Michael M. Santiago


Wilson's claims came in the light of a 2014 photo of the Tesla CEO doing the rounds online that featured his former wife Talulah Riley, and their five children, during an appearance on CBS News. Musk responded to the person who praised him for prioritizing his family. He opined, “All 5 boys look super happy." In response, Wilson posted, "It seems to me like you’re trying to rebuild your brand image as the 'caring paternal father' which I will not let go unchallenged. If I’m going to be honest, this is absolutely pathetic." She added, "Thank god you’re terrible at it because otherwise, this would be significantly more difficult."



She further asserted that Musk had lied about her being a brainwashed communist and neo-Marxist who had been persuaded to believe that "being rich is evil" and to identify as transsexual in high school. "If you’re going to lie about me, why would you choose a method so obnoxious in its stupidity," Wilson asked. "It’s beyond stupid, it’s desperate. The fact anyone believed this for even five seconds is beyond me. Not to mention going out of your way to misgender me which is both completely transparent and honestly just sad."



According to USA Today, Musk deemed gender-reassignment surgery as "child mutilation and sterilization" when interviewed by psychologist and conservative commentator, Dr. Jordan Peterson. He then discussed his estranged daughter's surgery and claimed, "I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys." He added, "This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had COVID-19 going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told [Wilson] might commit suicide." 

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