Kanye West’s account has been reinstated back on Twitter, now known as X after being suspended from the micro-blogging platform for a series of anti-Semitic comments eight months ago. However, the Yeezy founder will not be eligible to monetize his Twitter account and advertisements will remain absent next to his posts, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Ye has faced suspension from the platform three times, the last being on December 2, 2022, after the rapper tweeted an illustration of a ‘swastika inside a Star of David’ during his vicious public rant. CEO, Elon Musk had confirmed then that West’s account would remain suspended due to a violation of the platform’s policies “against incitement to violence”. His devastating tweets during that time also included allegations against his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, and the Phoenix Suns point guard Chris Paul. The Violent Crimes rapper claimed that they were having an affair, though sources close to the Kardashians and Paul completely denied the claims.
West had been previously banned from Twitter in October 2022 when he made controversial antisemitic remarks stating that said he planned to go “Death con [sic] 3 on Jewish people.” The aftermath bought major financial loss to his fashion brand since he lost a dozen of lucrative deals with elite companies including Adidas collaboration. Despite this, his Twitter account was once again reinstated in November.
As per Livemint, after a decade-long partnership, his main collaborator – Adidas severed ties with his fashion brand, resulting in the abrupt halt in production and sales of his Yeezy-branded sneakers. In May, the German company reported that the sudden disassociation of their highly successful deal with the I Wonder rapper had been received with a negative downfall in sales, amounting to approximately 400 million euros (US$441 million) in the first quarter of the year. In addition to Adidas, haute couture brands Gap, and Balenciaga too ended their associations with the famed fashion designer.
During this period the All of the Lights rapper lost one more major business partner – conservative social media platform Parler. The company refused to renew their deal over his fresh comments attacking the Jewish community. West made troublesome antisemitic comments during an appearance on the alt-right web show InfoWars. He praised Adolf Hitler and said Nazis “did good things too; we’ve got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time.” “I like Hitler,” Ye told Jones. Seconds later, the rapper added, “I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis.” He stated this comment after far-right InfoWars host Alex Jones claimed the rapper didn’t “deserve to be demonized.”
At present West has refrained from tweeting anything till now. His account was reinstated after he “reassured the platform that he would refrain from sharing any antisemitic content or using harmful language on his account.”Just a week ago, the Tesla founder and the newly appointed chief executive, Linda Yaccarino, revealed the rebranded version of Twitter – X. They revealed their vision for X to transform into an “everything app,” enabling users to manage all their financial matters alongside socializing features.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/pthe olitics/2022/12/01/kanye-west-alex-jones-hilter-interview/