Jill Dillard, the daughter from the controversial Duggar family, has revealed that her young family is living in S.O.S. Ministries housing while taking on their new full-time roles with the non-profit mission organization. The Dillards were “appointed” by S.O.S. Ministries as full-time missionaries and are working with the group’s Latin America group. Though the Dillards have proudly revealed the honorable position, it has left many wondering why they set up their own non-profit organization, Dillard Family Ministries, before leaving for Central America if they were already planning to work with another non-profit group. Why didn’t the Dillards and Duggars promote donations to S.O.S. Ministries instead of setting up a non-profit specifically for the Dillards? This is a question that still remains unanswered as the Dillards have shared recent mission trip updates with no disclosure of where donated funds will be spent.
The Dillard Family Blog recently posted an update titled “Engaging the Battle” in which Derick Dillard, the Duggar daughter’s husband, noted that the young family has been working hard to spread the Gospel in Central America where they are working with S.O.S. Ministries. The post explains that the pair have been working heavily with the ministries are are even staying in S.O.S. Ministries housing.
“We are staying in one of the ‘Hospitality House’ that S.O.S. ministries owns and have had multiple opportunities to host people. When we first moved in, we had a house full of team members for a couple weeks, including some of Jill’s family. We’ve had several families over as well as groups of youth after our weekly soccer games at the newly constructed sports complex.”
Likewise, Derick notes that he has been working “alongside the S.O.S. (Seekers of Souls) leadership of the existing church where we are serving” while laying groundwork for an “additional bible-centered fellowship in another village that has been plagued with violence.” Could this additional “bible-centered fellowship” be the work of Dillard Family Ministries? While it sounds on the surface as though the Dillards may single-handedly be funding the additional center, if you read the S.O.S. Ministries newsletter announcing Jill and Derick being added to the missionary team full-time, it seems to indicate that the new outreach program is part of S.O.S. Ministries , not Dillard Family Ministries despite Derick Dillard leading the charge.
“Derick will focus on the men and young people, while Jill will focus on women and children ministry. Both of them will help with strengthening and encouraging married couples, which is mostly neglected in the Latin world, and they have already led a group from the church to a new region to preach the gospel.”
With the Dillards well into their mission work, many Duggar fans and followers of the family feel it is time for the couple to release details on exactly where donations will be used in the mission field.
“You left in July for missionary work and in the three months you have been back twice and airfare is thousands! Now you are staying for a month to enjoy family and friends? You are not missionaries; you are grifters asking people for money so you don’t have to work.”
For months, people have been requesting that the Dillards, or Duggars, reveal a clear-cut plan for the funds but the family has yet to follow through. This has left many asking, why are donation requests for S.O.S. Ministries, the actual non-profit organization the Dillards are working for, being requested instead of donations to the Dillard Family Ministries?
While many are upset about the lack of transparency in the donation process, others are more upset about Derick’s new beard and lack of razor use.
Duggar fans are coming out in full force to note their disdain for Derick’s new more rustic look.
Where do you think the funds for the Dillard Family Ministries are going? Did Jill and Derick blow through the donations traveling back and forth between Arkansas and Central America? Were the funds used for the family’s living expenses and Spanish language tutoring? What do you think about the Dillard Family Ministries setting itself up as a non-profit despite knowing they would be working full-time for another, already established, non-profit organization upon arriving in Central America?
[Image via Instagram]