Update: The Interview full movie is now online at YouTube Movies, Google Play and Xbox Video: Here are the links to the full movie , now online on Christmas Eve.
It’s been quite a while since Mike Myers and Dr. Evil have been seen on SNL . Myers began his prominent TV career in 1988 on SNL , when Myers joined the Saturday Night Live cast and spent the next six seasons creating unforgettable characters, some of which were brought to the big screen.
On Saturday night, “A Very Somber Christmas” with Sam Smith turned out to be a vehicle for Dr. Evil to hijack SNL and slam North Korea. It’s a video that’s going viral on CNN , which was added on December 21, 2014, as well as other websites like Us Magazine . The clip shows the crowds’ enjoyment of Dr. Evil on SNL .
“I’m Dr. Evil. I’ve pre-empted this program because I’m furious that both North Korea and Sony Pictures have both given evil organizations a bad name. I mean, what the F people? Sony and North Korea, it’s time to get a Trapper Keeper and some loose leaf because I’m about to take you to school.”
It was the SNL cold open video that featured Mike Myers and his popular “Dr. Evil” character interrupting Saturday Night Live to slam North Korea and Sony over The Interview controversy – hubbub that still shows information leaking from the Sony hacked emails, such as Sony going up against Google and Amy Pascal calling Adam Sandler an a**hole , as reported by the Inquisitr .
“Look — I know Kim Jong-un. Kim’s not with it. He still watches laser discs.”
North Korea’s leader gets criticized by Myers on SNL , who taunts the Sony hackers by saying that it’s easy to kill a movie by moving its release date to January. Next, Dr. Evil goes in on the choice of the name “GOP” that the hackers chose, something that immediately puts to mind the GOP – or “Grand Old Party” – acronym given to the Republican party.
“But back to the hackers — first of all, the name. Guardians of Peace or the GOP. There’s already the GOP, and they are already an evil organization. Hello? Way to go a-holes. What are you gonna do next GOP? Ask for one million dollars? Been there, done that, smoked it, humped it and called it an Uber.”
Finally, Myers teases Sony in the SNL skit.
“But why pick on Sony? They haven’t had a hit since the Walkman. Come on, Sony. You thought it was a joke to have James Franco kill Kim Jong-un? The man almost single-handedly killed the Oscars.”
Put in The Love Guru , Myers joked about his own ill-fated 2008 movie, if you want to bomb in the theaters, before issuing the standard opening line of SNL uttered by so many others.
“Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”
[Image credit of Dr. Evil on SNL: Saturday Night Live]