In previous years, doomsday preppers were considered people on the fringe of society preparing for the end of times. Thanks to bestselling authors, bloggers, and companies developed specifically to meet a doomsday preppers needs, this movement is growing in popularity.
According to USA Today :
“The number of preppers is unknown, but a poll done for National Geographic Channel in September indicated that 28% of Americans knew one. Preppers meet-up networks are proliferating on social networks.”
Preparing for the end has been something people have been doing across the globe for centuries, so this isn’t exactly a new practice.
“Shelter builders saw a flurry of business right after 9/11, again after the financial meltdown in 2008, and in 2010, when predictions of a Dec. 21 end of the world — derived from interpretations of a Mayan calendar — hit popular culture.”
There are some including John Hoopes, a University of Kansas anthropologist, who believe it is irrational to go to such extremes based upon prophecies. However, it is still recommended to prepare for such scenarios as power outages and storm damage. Some households lose water the same time they lose power because they depend on a well pump, therefore experts suggest that it is a good idea to keep jugs of water on hand. However, skeptics note that it is not necessary to makes dozens of barrels of water readily available.
Ever since Superstorm Sandy ravaged the east coast many preppers believe doomsday preparations can help them avoid everyday struggles caused by outside forces.
Doomsday prepper James Rawles says of those people who didn’t take him seriously before Superstorm Sandy:
“If anybody had any doubts, if anybody was teasing their neighbors before Sandy for storing food or preparing a “bugout bag” of essentials, they are not doing that anymore.”