Donald Trump Vows 'Largest Deportation Operation' in United States History if He Gets Re-Elected

Donald Trump Vows 'Largest Deportation Operation' in United States History if He Gets Re-Elected
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong

Former US President Donald Trump is running for the 2024 presidential election. He has vowed to carry out the "largest deportation operation" in American history if he gets re-elected. This sentiment was conveyed while he was addressing a convention in Michigan. Trump called on his supporters to vote for a president who will kick out "radical Islamic terrorists" from the country. He said, "The choice for every voter in November is clear: You can have a President who lets thousands of radical Islamic terrorists into our country or you can decide to have a President who throws radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by James Devaney
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by James Devaney

Trump stated, "On Day One of my new administration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no choice. This is not sustainable," as per MSN. His comments align with the Republican Party's effort to highlight the "migrant invasion" narrative. Trump and his supporters have been claiming that President Joe Biden has made it easier for immigrants to enter the US. They often refer to crimes committed by migrants as "Biden migrant crime." Trump keeps pushing his anti-immigrant policies with the election coming up. He calls for a total ban on immigrants.


Recently, he indirectly referred to the arrest of eight people with suspected ISIS links. He said, "Our country has never been in danger like it is right now." He then added, "Our country is going to pay a steep price for many, many years." Back in April, Trump described immigrants in the US as "animals." He also repeated his previous charge that they are "poisoning the blood of our country," a remark that drew sharp criticism, as per NPR. In Detroit, Trump argued that illegal immigrants are taking jobs and resources from American citizens. He said this is particularly affecting Black and Hispanic communities. He stated, "They're inflicting tremendous harm to our Black population and to our Hispanic population."


Trump's campaign stops underscored his strategy to appeal to diverse voter bases in Michigan. Michigan's Lieutenant Governor, Garlin Gilchrist II, criticized Trump. He called him "dangerous" for Michigan, America, and Black people. Trump also reiterated claims of election fraud. He warned that these issues would have an effect on the upcoming election as well. His statement said, "We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote."


Trump has been going on and on about the anti-immigrant policy because he is hoping it'll help him win over people in important swing states like Michigan. The state where there's a mix of different kinds of voters. He also discussed and threw shade at the Ukraine aid situation. He called out President Volodymyr Zelensky for always managing to walk away with billions in aid from the US whenever he visited. Trump stated, "I think Zelensky is maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that ever lived. Every time he comes to our country, he walks away with $60 billion."

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