Donald Trump Supporters Mistook His Quotes for Hitler's in Viral Social Experiment

Donald Trump Supporters Mistook His Quotes for Hitler's in Viral Social Experiment
Cover Image Source: YouTube | @InsideEdition; (Inset): Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

In a cringe-worthy social experiment by YouTuber SoFlo, a bunch of Donald Trump supporters couldn't identify if the German dictator Hitler or Trump said these quotes. Inside Edition posted a video in March 2016 where people were tricked into asking MAGA supporters to comment on the Republican nominee's remarks, which Hitler originally said. And Here's how it went. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Brandon Bell
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Brandon Bell


SoFlo hit the streets of Los Angeles with a pamphlet of Trump's face alongside comments made by history's most notorious authoritarian Hitler, and falsely credited them to Trump. The social experiment went viral garnering over 45 million views. SoFlo questioned MAGA fans about each statement, which he claimed, had been said by the ex-president. Although their reactions were eye-opening, they quickly turned hilarious later on. 

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The YouTuber briefly gave an introduction, saying, "I have got a Trump pamphlet here, but I have replaced all the quotes with Hitler quotes." He then approached a woman with one of the quotes that read, "Who says I am not under the special protection of God?" When he asked her what she thought about it, she said, "That's ok. If Trump's an atheist, that's ok." 



Although sensational, SoFlo grabbed some outrageous remarks, which, unfortunately, almost all fans mistook for MAGA leader's words as he's been long compared to Hitler. He asked the same woman to comment on the quote, "Great liars are also great magicians." (un)Surprisingly, she approved, saying, "Well, I think he's going to lie in any way. Probably to, like, support the country, to keep the country going. They'll be good lies, you know?" SoFlo confirmed if she "supports everything written in the pamphlet?" The woman responded, "Of course." 



Meanwhile, another MAGA supporter was asked to respond to a quote, "I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature." SoFlo questioned, "What do you think he [Trump] comes up with that?" The man answered in support of the statement, "Well, man is the cruelest animal." 



Now came the revelation. The YouTuber enlightened them that it was, in fact, quotes from Hitler and not Trump. The people's reactions couldn't be more hysterical as one said, "I'd say you're lying to me." But SoFlo reiterated that it was indeed the Nazi dictator's words, asking the man again, "So, do you still support Trump?" He said, "Yeah, (appearing confused) but I don't support Hitler." "But you support these quotes," said the YouTuber. "Well, if Donald Trump said, I might support him." 



The narrative from 2016 has continued to today as the 2024 elections are looming over the head. Trump, who's running for re-election, is still being compared to Hitler since his language to address his political rivals sounds familiar to the typical "Hitlerian" speeches, calling opponents "vermin," attacking immigrants for "poisoning the blood of our country," and what not, per MSNBC. 

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Some experts like Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian of fascism at New York University, sounded alarmed, "The Nazis made the fear of blood pollution of their master race and their civilization a foundation of their state. Trying to dehumanize this group now over and over again to get Americans used to the idea that they should be persecuted so they won't resist when the repression comes later, this too is a fascist tactic." 

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