Donald Trump Slammed for Calling Nevada a ‘Disgraceful’ State That He Actually Won: “Trump's Delusional”

Donald Trump Slammed for Calling Nevada a ‘Disgraceful’ State That He Actually Won: “Trump's Delusional”
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Brandon Bell

In a recent interview, Donald Trump blasted Nevada as “disgraceful” and erroneously asserted he won the state in both 2016 and 2020 “by a lot.” Right-wing news outlet The Nevada Globe stated that since President George W. Bush won the state in 2004, no Republican candidate has won the state, per HuffPost.

The previous president appeared to become angry with that. In both 2016 and 2020, the previous president lost the state by around 2.5 percentage points.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong


“I think I won the last time. I think I won both times by a lot,” Trump insisted. “This is a state that is disgraceful,” Trump claimed. However, he claimed to the Globe that “they robbed the vote at a level” and targeted former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, the co-chair of his campaign in the state. “But, you know, we have guys like Laxalt. Laxalt was a very weak candidate. He was pathetic. You know, I helped Laxalt do the best he could. I guess his grandfather was strong. His father was good. But I guess the chain got weaker and weaker. Adam Laxalt is stiff, and he didn’t do the job,” he said, calling him a “terrible attorney.”



Trump reprised his assaults on his attorney general, Bill Barr, boasted about dismissing former FBI Director James Comey as "one of the best firings ever," and repeated his disproved conspiracy theories about the 2020 race in the same resentment-filled interview.

Trump's claims perplexed Twitter users, who went on to slam the former President. A Twitter user wrote, "The site is run by an election. denier and GOP hack pretends to be real journalism but not one follow-up was asked (of course.) But Trump did provide classic stuff. On NV: 'I think I won the last time. I think I won both times by a lot. This is a state that is disgraceful.'"



Another user wrote, "Welp, there ya go, Trump thinks NEVADA IS DISGRACEFUL, so every single GOP candidate in Nevada can tell us whether they agree. Press, please don’t let them off the hook." A Twitter user slammed his complaining habit, adding, "The entire interview is just a word salad on a repeat of his complaints and grievances. He has no plans or policies."



A Twitter user slammed the President for being "delusional," writing, "Either Trump's delusional and genuinely thinks he won Nevada twice, or he knows he's lying and doesn't care. He's an idiot, or he's a grifting fraud - pick your poison, MAGA." Another Twitter user added, "Trump just gave an interview to The Nevada Globe. The interviewer notes Trump lost Nevada 2x in the general election, and asks how he is going to win this time. Trump responds by saying he actually won both times "by a lot" and calls Nevada a "disgraceful" state. Great start!"


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