Donald Trump started Thursday morning off with a tirade against the “fake news” media, suggesting that the news industry — and possibly social media — would go out of business once someone “so great looking and smart” leaves office.
The president began with a tweet announcing that he was hosting a “very big and very important” summit with several social media leaders in the White House. The summit, which has been planned for several weeks, is expected to be a meeting with a number of conservatives who have criticized the president’s favorite social media company targets in the past.
“Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)!” he wrote.
He added that, at the conclusion of the summit, they would all go to the Rose Garden for a news conference.
In a second now-deleted tweet, Trump said that one of the major topics at the summit would be the “tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression” of some social media companies. The president has often railed against Twitter, as he claims to believe that the company has removed some of his followers and censors conservative voices.
However, as the Inquisitr previously reported, it appears that Twitter will not be a part of the social media meeting. Facebook may not be represented at the event, either. Instead, Representative Matt Gaetz and Senator Marsha Blackburn have been invited to the summit. Both have accused Twitter of censoring their accounts, according to The Washington Post.
Trump then turned his eye toward the “fake news” media, saying that they would be present for a limited time at the event. He tweeted that news agencies are not as important as social media after losing credibility since he announced his presidency from Trump tower with his now-famous trip down the building’s escalator. Trump mistakenly posted that he “came down the escalator” in November 2016 to announce his plan to run for the White House. The escalator ride that he referenced actually took place in June of 2015.
Trump then added in another now-deleted tweet that, when he leaves office in six years — adding with a joke that it could be 10 or 14 years instead — that news agencies “will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public.”
“That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other,” he said.
“Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or @AlfredENeuman99… or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1000/24th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius! Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media!” he concluded with a final now-deleted tweet.
After posting his message, Trump deleted most of the original tweets and replaced them with an edited version. In the newest tweets , Trump removed his apparent threat against the media and corrected Elizabeth Warren’s percentage of Native American ancestry.
Trump’s summit has prompted fierce criticism from those who say that he is courting divisive and controversial voices who have used social media platforms to spread offensive messages.