When Donald Trump Was Mocked Over a Video of Him Descending Staircase in a Video

When Donald Trump Was Mocked Over a Video of Him Descending Staircase in a Video
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Go Nakamura

On Monday, Donald Trump was seen on camera departing Hotel Fort Des Moines in Iowa. Social media users have been making fun of Trump for the manner in which he descended stairs in a video that was uploaded, stating that 'he is too old.'

As reported by Newsweek, Trump is seen descending the hotel staircase in a video, staring down at the stairs and clutching onto the railing as he descends. It was posted by Rachel Scott, the senior congressional correspondent for ABC.



The users on Twitter were quick to make fun of the former President, with one person stating, "A very weak and feeble Trump." Another user wrote, "Something weird going on with his right leg. Has he had a stroke?" Another one wrote, "That's why I never touch the railings on stairs. Who knows what hands have been touching them...especially Trumps."

One more user added, "You can totally see the outline of diaper Don's diaper coming down the stairs right at the beginning of this video. Also, get a load of diaper dude Walt Nauta's diaper bag." One more user wrote, "Odd…the right side of his face looks like its droopy, right corner of his mouth sags slightly when he speaks. Yesterday some were saying it looked like he was slightly dragging his right foot/leg."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla


On Friday, January 5, during a campaign event in Iowa, the former President made fun of President Joe Biden for 'stuttering' during a speech warning Americans about the dangers of a second Trump term in office. In light of the anniversary of the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, Biden hosted a campaign event for which Trump vilified him.

According to The Daily Mail, at a speech in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Biden referred to Trump as 'sick' and a 'loser' and said that 'we nearly lost America' three years before. In response, Trump asked the crowd, "Did you see him? He was stuttering through the whole thing. He's going bah bah bah he's a threat to democracy. They've weaponized government. He's saying I'm a threat to democracy."



That same day, Trump mimicked Biden's Pennsylvania address by acting as if he was stuttering. The former President also took strong offense at the reporters present, claiming they would misreport his jokes. Trump added, "You know how bad the press is? You know what they do? They take me saying that, like that, and they say ‘Trump couldn't say the word democracy - look!'" Trump was again criticized on X by many for being callous and saying things that are often inappropriate.



One user wrote, "How does this POS even get votes, this is not the first time he has made fun of people with disabilities. Those who vote this man have absolutely no morals." Another one jotted down, "President Biden delivered an eloquent speech ! What we are hearing ,here ,are the ramblings of a disturbed loser. This here is a criminal so desperate for immunity for his crimes ,that he will belittle and mock anyone ! This is a pathetic desperate ranting of a person circling the drain!"

Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 16, 2024. It has since been updated.

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