PETA decided to poke fun at Donald Trump Jr.’s love for hunting by unveiling a Halloween costume of him. It showed a white male (who looks nothing like Donald Jr.) with a red hat that said “Donald Trump Jr.” in “scary” font. The man has bloody scratches on his face, neck, and chest, as a leopard is mauling him from behind. He’s also holding a gun, wearing a cameo-hunting outfit, and has a name-tag on the front left that says, “Half-Cocked.”
This didn’t go over too well with Donald Jr., as he slammed PETA for their high euthanization rates. This is what he said on Twitter.
“Ironically, there are few orgs in world history that have as much animal blood on their hands as PETA. You hypocrites are literally an animal slaughter factory…. In the last 11 years, PETA has killed 29,426 dogs, cats, rabbits, & other domestic animals.”
Donald Jr. then linked to an article called “Shocking Photos: PETA’s Secret Slaughter of Kittens, Puppies” by HuffPost , which is where he took the statistic of the number of animals that are killed each year.
In response, PETA said this, linking to a video.
“Thanks for pointing out that we’ll always offer animals in desperate need a merciful release, free of charge to their less-fortunate guardians. We don’t travel the world blowing animals away as you do. Watch this, you callous creep!”
The organization reportedly did not return Fox News’ requests for further comments.
Yeah, you guys really have something to be proud of. Killing a beautiful endangered animal. Good job!!! .Donald Trump Jr. slams PETA on Twitter over mocking ‘trophy-hunting’ Halloween costume #FoxNews
— Mary (@gregates1) September 23, 2018
Donald Jr. isn’t the only one that’s talking about PETA killing animals. In late August, the Baltimore Sun covered the statistics that the kill rate in some years is “over 90 percent” at its headquarters. The author points out that the president of the organization, Ingrid Newkirk, is “on the record opposing pet ownership.” The publication then goes on to suggest that PETA is being hypocritical for trying to make Marylanders feel bad about eating crab when they’re euthanizing thousands of animals a year.
Whatever the case, Donald Jr. is a known outdoor enthusiast, which explains why PETA came up with their Halloween costume. Just recently, he headed to a gator hunt with his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle. Notably, Kimberly posed in front of a huge tray with a roasted alligator and pig, pulling a duck face as described by the Daily Mail . And according to Bustle , Donald Jr. is a “pretty outdoorsy dude,” pointing to all the photos he has on Instagram of himself fishing, shooting guns, and hanging out in nature.
Ironically, there are few orgs in world history that have as much animal blood on their hands as PETA. You hypocrites are literally an animal slaughter factory.
“In the last 11 years, PETA has killed 29,426 dogs, cats, rabbits, & other domestic animals.”
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 20, 2018