Donald Trump is trying to incite a “white nationalist riot” in the nation’s capital on the day that results from the 2020 election are certified by Congress, a pundit claims.
On Sunday, Trump sent a tweet telling people he would see them on the day that Congress will formally count votes from the Electoral College and officially make Joe Biden the winner of the race.
“See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!” Trump tweeted .
Political commentator and columnist David Frum asserted that with the coronavirus relief bill signed after a delay from the president, he appears to have shifted his attention to inciting violence in the nation’s capital in the coming days.
“Now Trump can focus like a laser on his top priority, inciting a white nationalist riot in Washington on January 6,” Frum tweeted .
As The Washington Post reported, Trump has already been using his Twitter feed to foreshadow a “wild” protest set to take place in the nation’s capital on that day. The report noted that the organization Women for America First had requested a protest permit for the event. The same group organized a “Stop the Steal” rally in D.C. last month that drew thousands and led to a number of violent clashes.
As The Inquisitr noted, some Trump supporters vandalized buildings in the hours after the official event had ended, including some who attacked a pair of historic African American churches. Video captured the group tearing down a “Black Lives Matter” banner from one of the churches and setting it on fire in the street.
Proud Boys and other white supremacists burn a Black Lives Matter sign from the Asbury United Methodist Church in D.C. while dousing it with lighter fluid to intensify the flames. This public act is intended to terrorize and send a message to Black people.
— Kristen Clarke (@KristenClarkeJD) December 13, 2020
The Washington Post added that there is already support among groups on the far right for the event planned next month.
“Conversations about the January gathering have taken off on chat forums used by far-right groups, including Gab, Parler and Telegram. The Proud Boys, members of armed right-wing groups, conspiracy theorists and white supremacists all have pledged to attend,” the report noted.
The organizing group said close to 5,000 people are expected to attend next month’s rally, which is tentatively slated for Freedom Plaza.
Trump has continued to insist that he was the real winner of the 2020 presidential election, saying the victory was stolen from him through massive fraud. Though his campaign and allies have failed to overturn the results through a series of court cases, Trump is reportedly still trying to change the outcome and had raised the idea that Vice President Mike Pence may not allow Biden to be certified the winner when he oversees the vote tallying.