GOP candidate Donald Trump has chosen Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate. Whom will Hillary Rodham Clinton choose as her running mate? With the Democratic convention just over a week away, she’ll need to make a decision soon.
The Washington Post reported that Hillary Rodham Clinton met Friday, July 15, with three potential running mates . Clinton, the former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former New York senator, and former Secretary of State, is running on a platform of experience and government service, as opposed to Trump, who has never held elective office, not even at the city council level. She is looking for a running mate who is also experienced. Clinton met with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, and Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado at her home Friday.
Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro Meet With Hillary Clinton Amid VP Speculation
— ABC News (@ABC) July 16, 2016
Although Elizabeth Warren is popular with millennials, especially Bernie Sanders supporters, KJRH Channel 2 pointed out that Sen. Warren would not necessarily be the best choice for Clinton’s running mate.
“Warren could be a risky pick for Clinton. Her empty Senate seat would be filled by a Republican governor, making it harder to flip the Senate to blue. And though the two seem to get along, there’s concern the very charismatic Warren could overshadow the presumptive nominee.”
Although Warren met with Clinton for approximately an hour, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Warren is being considered for Clinton’s running mate. She could be an adviser, helping Clinton vet possible vice presidential candidates. Or she could be under consideration herself. Clinton/Warren would mean an all-female ticket for the Democrats. Some voters say the United States isn’t ready for a female president yet, let alone two women running the government. Other political analysts point out that neither Trump nor Pence polls well with women voters, and a Clinton/Warren ticket could attract the women that Trump has driven away from the GOP.
Julian Castro is currently Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Before joining President Obama’s Cabinet, he was mayor of San Antonio, TX. While attending Stanford University, he worked as a White House intern in the summer between his sophomore and his junior year when Bill Clinton was president. Castro is a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton and has campaigned for her. As a Mexican-American, he would bring diversity to the Democratic ticket. However, at only 41-years-old, some political analysts consider him too young to be vice president. He is young enough to be Clinton’s son.
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper says he’d consider the VP spot under Clinton, if asked
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) July 11, 2016
Gov. John Hickenlooper is considered a long shot by some political analysts, but Clinton did invite him to her home Friday. They also met when she was campaigning in Denver, and the two discussed the possibility of his being her running mate at that time. Hickenlooper would be a “safe” running mate for Clinton. He’s a male WASP, with experience in both business and government. As mayor of Denver, he was named one of the top five big city mayors by Time Magazine.
Politicosuggested Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) would make a good running mate for Hillary Clinton. He’s been mayor of Richmond, governor of Virginia, junior senator from Virginia, and chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He’s a Roman Catholic, to balance her being a Methodist. Kaine is fluent in Spanish. A New Hampshire Democrat who chose to remain anonymous told Politicothat Kaine would be a “safe” choice.
“I still think that Clinton should stay safe and go with Kaine. He matches up with Pence in terms of résumé, but has been able to steer a moderate course without getting into the cultural jams of Pence.”
The Baltimore Sun mentioned several other names as possible Clinton running mates , including Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ, Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-CA; and James G. Stavridis, a retired four-star Navy admiral.
Whom do you think Hillary Rodham Clinton should choose as her running mate? Will her choice of a vice presidential candidate influence your vote?
[Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]