Donald Trump Criticizes Governor Gavin Newsom's Impact on California, Calls Him 'Newscum'

Donald Trump Criticizes Governor Gavin Newsom's Impact on California, Calls Him 'Newscum'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Gonzalez

In a recent speech at the U.S.-Mexico border, former President Donald Trump referred to California Governor Gavin Newsom as "Governor Newscum". Trump, who is a Republican frontrunner, chose the southern border as the backdrop for his speech, contrasting with President Joe Biden's meeting with border agents in Brownsville.



The front-runner in the Republican nomination for president, Trump, is no stranger to giving his rivals nasty nicknames. His Thursday visit to the border between the United States and Mexico comes amid a congressional battle over budget bills related to immigration and national security, where House Republicans have taken a firm stance against President Biden's request. Trump was accompanied on the visit by fellow Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Gonzalez
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Gonzalez


Trump attacked Biden and Newsom saying, "Crooked Joe has the blood of countless innocent victims. It’s so many stories to tell, so many horrible stories. Three years ago, we had the most secure border in history… We had the most secure border and people weren’t coming because they knew they weren’t going to get in. And we weren’t promising free education, free medical, free everything. I mean, all the promises that are made, no wonder they come. I mean, you look at what this governor Newscum from California. Isn’t that his name? Newscum. What he’s done to California is unbelievable. People are pouring in, they think they’re going to get medical aid, and our soldiers, our vets, aren’t being taken care of," as per Mediaite.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, and federal U.S. Border Patrol personnel accompanied Biden on his visit to the southern border on Thursday in Brownsville, Texas. The president and Texas Republicans, particularly Abbott, have frequently clashed over immigration policy. Supporter of Biden, Newsom has also argued with his Republican colleagues over immigration matters.



The southern border of California has become a hotspot for interactions with migrants; however, Newsom has approached the problem differently than his opponents, beginning this year with boosting undocumented immigrants' access to health care.

Trump made multiple shots at the Biden administration's border management throughout his speech, saying that the nation is "being overrun by the Biden migrant crime." Along with calling Texas authorities "incredible people," the former president praised their efforts to reduce immigration. "This is a Biden invasion over the past three years," Trump stated.


Additionally, the former president criticized Newsom's efforts to increase immigrant access to health care, saying that "people are pouring in" to California with the expectation that they are "gonna get medical aid." "And our soldiers, our vets aren't being taken care of, but people that come into our country illegally are," Trump continued. Texas Republicans applauded Trump, but Biden was criticized for his border visit, particularly by Judd, who said the president's attempt was "too little, too late," as per The San Diego Union-Tribune.

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