Former President Donald Trump appears to be marching on in his electoral campaign for the upcoming 2024 Presidential Elections despite his piling legal affairs. Trump and his legal team are working towards sorting out his Civil Fraud Case Trial with his Classified Documents Case practically looming by. While attending to matters legally, the former President appears to be quite level-headed about dealing with possibly stressful matters simultaneously. While he isn’t, or rather, doesn’t appear to be attending the GOP Debates, he has been very prompt with addressing the crowd via rallies and speeches. At a recent rally held in New Hampshire, Trump suggested a rather odd theory concerning who the current President of the State is.
As per The Daily Mail UK , while addressing the crowd, Trump reportedly confused his rival President Joe Biden for former President Barack Obama. On Saturday afternoon, Trump discussed Viktor Orban – the authoritarian leader in Hungary, and his leadership. During this discussion, Trump perhaps accidentally took Obama’s name instead of Biden’s while he was speaking.
He said, “They were interviewing Orban two weeks ago and they said: ‘What would you advise President Obama? The whole world seems to be exploding and imploding.” This may have perplexed the crowd present given the current head of the State is indeed Biden. Furthermore, Trump ponders and suggests another more confusing thought from Orban’s interview, and allegedly gloats “He said: ‘It’s very simple. He should immediately resign and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.” While this may be a major compliment for the former President, he still did make an error by mixing up names.
This comes after he had named his Democrat rival Joe Biden, whom Trump often addresses as ‘Crooked Biden’; ‘Sleepy Joe’. As per NBC News , the twice-impeached President once described his rival Biden as “a sleepy guy in the basement of his house”. Since coining Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe’ several members of the opposing party have sometimes addressed the Head of State by the same nickname. Trump and Biden have both bantered back and forth concerning such names in the past. However, it seems that after a certain point, Biden’s administration stopped responding to it.
This isn’t the first time that Trump has been in perhaps confusing situations concerning Biden. Earlier in the year as per The Guardian , Trump alleged that Biden was “cognitively impaired” and wasn’t in a position to “lead” the country further given his age. He further threw shade at Biden by stating that in the present condition, he’s “now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war.” Biden’s campaign team has remained mum in response to Trump’s latest confusion and dig at the President’s eligibility to contest despite the age factor.