Donald Trump has been in even more hot water than usual lately, after not only backing out of a visit to the American War Cemetery in Belleau, France because of too much rain, but also claiming that he was much too busy “taking calls” to visit Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day.
As Huffington Post reports, while Trump often professes his love of American soldiers and the military, he was still unable to take part in what so many other presidents have done on Veterans Day, which is to visit Arlington National Cemetery.
However, as the president told Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace — in an interview that is set to be aired on Sunday — Trump explains that he was unable to visit, as he was profusely busy answering and taking phone calls at the White House.
“I should have done that, I was extremely busy on calls for the country, we did a lot of calling as you know.”
According to the Military Times , the upcoming Sunday interview with Chris Wallace will see Donald Trump discussing a wide range of subjects, yet the ones that seem to be on most people’s minds right now are why he skipped out on the American War Cemetery in France, and also why he chose not to honor veterans on Veterans Day by visiting Arlington National Cemetery.
“Trump didn’t want to go to the Aines-Marne cemetery in France was because there wasn’t a tent to stand under”
“He was worried his hair was going to get messed up in the rain”
Trump refused to go to Arlington Cemetery on Veterans Day – Raining again.
— Blue Bee (@Blue_Bee_pllntr) November 16, 2018
After Wallace noted that Barack Obama honored veterans by attending ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery during each year of his presidency, Trump replied that he actually had visited the cemetery last year on Veterans Day, but explained that this time around it was an impossibility, as not only was he on the phone during the ceremony, but he had also just arrived back in America after his visit to France.
“In retrospect, I should have done, and I did last year and I will virtually every year. But we had come in very late at night and I had just left, literally, the American cemetery in Paris and I really probably assumed that was fine. I was extremely busy because of affairs of state, doing other things. But I would have, I would have done it.”
To make up for the Veterans Day debacle, on Thursday, Trump hosted an event at the White House for veterans, where he discussed the many legislative accomplishments on different policies for veterans that had come about while he was in office. He also reportedly took this time to denounce Obama’s policies, although he failed to explain exactly why he was criticizing his predecessor.
“You’re very incredible people. know the job you’re doing; I know how hard it is. I know what you’ve gone through, especially before we came into office. What you went through is incredible. Horrible, in certain ways.”
To hear more about the phone calls Donald Trump was taking on Veterans Day instead of visiting Arlington National Cemetery, tune in to the Chris Wallace interview on Fox on Sunday.