Donald Trump's 'Lifetime Of Lies' Exposed in Don Winslow's New Video: "Stop Supporting This Liar"

Donald Trump's 'Lifetime Of Lies' Exposed in Don Winslow's New Video: "Stop Supporting This Liar"
Cover Image Source: (L) Getty Images | Photo by Jens Schlueter; (R) Getty Images | Photo by Zach Gibson

This week, author Don Winslow released a new video in which he continued to bash former president Donald Trump. In a brand-new 4-minute clip posted on YouTube on Wednesday, the best-selling author exposed Trump's countless lies. He wrote in the caption, "#DonaldTrumpLifetimeOfLies."



The author of several New York Times bestsellers refuted numerous claims made by the former president, including his self-described status as a "great businessman," per HuffPost. The video begins with a parody interview, where Trump is asked, "Are you a loser?" to which he replies "In a certain way yeah...hate to say it." 

Don Winslow asserts, "A con man always needs a mark, how long have you been Donald Trump's mark? Donald Trump is a lie. Donald Trump is an infomercial. Donald Trump is a five-year-long marketing campaign. Trump sold himself as a self-made man but the truth is his father gave him millions and millions of dollars to start and sustain his business."



An image flashes across the screen stating, "Donald received the equivalent today of $413 million from his dad's real estate empire." The video continues with another voice revealing that "he started his business with 14 million dollars borrowed from his father." Winslow says, "Trump sold himself as a great businessman, but the truth is great businessman has not filed for bankruptcy six separate times. Trump sold himself to the Republican voters as pro-life but the truth is he was pro-choice his entire life and only changed his position to dupe Republican voters into voting for him. The video shows a clip of Trump from the olden days where he says that "I'm very pro-choice, I just believe in choice."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla


The video talks about how Trump has claimed to be well respected by women and goes on to refute the claim by talking about the sexual assaults committed by Trump. Winslow goes on to talk about how the former president had promised better infrastructure, and a healthcare plan, stating that "during his presidency, Donald Trump has made more than 30000 false or misleading claims" while emphasizing the number 30,000.

He asks his viewers "How many times does this used car salesman have to lie to you before you stop supporting him? top and listen to the salesman language he always uses to manipulate you." He concludes the video with "Donald Trump is a lie, stop listening to his lies, stop supporting this liar." The clip ends with the same footage that it had started with.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle


One of the comments on the video read, "Should be run on ALL the major news outlets 24/7-365 days for years!" Another said, "Trump is the most compulsive liar I’ve ever seen." A third person wrote, "The sad and scary thing is that the truth told here is totally lost on Maga cult members. In their eyes, he can do no wrong."

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