Don Jr. Confronted by Restaurant Owner Over Massive Losses Due to Trump-Supporting Billboard

Don Jr. Confronted by Restaurant Owner Over Massive Losses Due to Trump-Supporting Billboard
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong

In a surprising and emotional exchange, Donald Trump Jr. was confronted by a Minnesota restaurant owner who claims his business has suffered greatly after publicly supporting Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential bid. The confrontation occurred during a live chat on Trump Jr.’s political podcast called Triggered, where listeners can submit comments or questions in real-time. The restaurant owner, Allen Brenycz, took the opportunity to share his struggles with Trump Jr., revealing that his decision to put up a digital billboard endorsing the former president had caused a prominent drop in his business. 


Brenycz remarked, "I have a digital billboard on the highway in Minnesota. I need a repost from you for my pin post. I've lost half my business since publicly supporting." As per RawStory, the billboard, prominently located on a highway in Minnesota, advertised Brenycz’s unwavering support for Donald Trump’s campaign, displaying political messages around the clock.


Don Jr. replied, "Al, I'll try to check that out. I haven't seen it, but if I can find the post, I will check it out, appreciate the support.” He further added, "Again, I think more people get it than you believe, but like we've dealt here on Rumble, like you've seen over on X, you know, the people will go after the advertisers, they'll go after you if they see you supporting anything like that. That's why we have to go after this and get back to just common sense and decency."

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Samuel Corum
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Samuel Corum

As per The Independent, the emotional toll on Brenycz is evident. In a GoFundMe campaign created to help save his business, the restaurateur candidly explained the fallout from his decision. He wrote, "As many of you know after coming out and advertising for a political figure I am alienating a good percentage of customers. Many folks voting with feelings will just simply refuse to patronize my business because of my support."


The fundraiser, which had modest contributions, asked for small donations to help him stay afloat in the face of plummeting sales. Despite the overwhelming financial pressure, Brenycz remained firm in his belief that the GOP frontrunner was the only hope for small business owners like him. He asserted that Trump was 'our last chance' to address the challenges facing businesses across America, referencing the economic struggles that his political choice has exacerbated.


In other news, Don Jr. recently took aim at VP Kamala Harris when he tweeted, “The moderators didn't fact-check Kamala when she invoked the Charlottesville lie. The moderators didn't fact-check Kamala when she lied about changing her position on fracking. The moderators didn't fact-check Kamala when she repeatedly lied about President Trump's positions.” As if this wasn’t enough, in a series of tweets, Don Jr. continued roasting Harris and wrote, “Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are responsible for the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan. It didn't have to happen, but their incompetence caused it!”

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