Garry Chapman, the son of Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and his late wife, Beth Chapman, posted a touching tribute to his deceased mother on Twitter on Monday, Yahoo Entertainment reports. Fortunately, the Dog’s Most Wanted star found plenty of support, not just from random Twitter followers but from his siblings as well.
Chapman, or “Boy” as he’s sometimes called, took to Twitter on Monday night to express sadness about his mom being gone. Specifically, he says that he was reminded of her when going through his phone.
The 18-year-old, who is the youngest of the multiple children of Duane and Beth, found plenty of support in his Twitter thread, from both random strangers and his own siblings and step-siblings.
His sister Lyssa, for example, commented, “Love you Garry boy.”
His sister Bonnie wrote, “Me too little bro, know you can talk to me.”
Fans had his back as well. One Twitter user, for example, tweeted that she, too, knows what it’s like to lose a mother, and that it’s never easy. Another tweeted that his mother is always with him, spiritually.
As it turns out, it wasn’t all sadness and misery in Garry’s tweet. He also got in a dig at his father’s photography skills.
“Also @dogbountyhunter you really need to work on your photo taking skills, this…” he wrote, along with a link to the Instagram photo that you can see below.
Before and since his mother’s death, Garry has been hard at work in the family business, which is tracking down fugitives. The family was in the bail bonds business in Hawaii when they became reality TV stars, hunting down customers who had skipped out on their court appearances and thus causing the business to be out the money they had put up for the fugitives’ bail.
Nowadays, the family is less about recovering its money and more about tracking down wanted fugitives, money or no. The family’s exploits are covered on the WGN America series Dog’s Most Wanted . You can expect to see Garry turn up on the show from time to time along with his brothers and sisters. In fact, in last week’s episode, Beth Chapman herself appeared, as the episode was filmed before she died.
And in one fugitive take-down, as reported by The Inquisitr , Garry’s brother, Leland Chapman, was injured while tussling with a perp, injuring his knee.
Dog’s Most Wanted airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on WGN America.