Doctor Updates on Donald Trump’s Health, Says Trump is ‘Joking’ About the Close Call With Bullet

Doctor Updates on Donald Trump’s Health, Says Trump is ‘Joking’ About the Close Call With Bullet
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos By Anna Moneymaker

Former President Donald Trump has been discharged from the hospital after surviving an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania. Trump was quickly escorted off the stage by the Secret Service after the shots were fired, with one bullet narrowly missing his ear. Video footage captured Trump staggering, grabbing his ear, and collapsing to the ground to later be shielded by Secret Service agents who quickly rushed him to the safe spot. Meanwhile, Dr. Ronny Jackson hurried to Bedminster, New Jersey to meet Trump after the assassination attempt, according to the Daily Mail.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Joe Raedle


Jackson also commented on Trump's state of mind. He said, "He's great. The staff's a little shaken still. But he's completely normal. I mean, he's just himself. He's joking around and talking about how if he hadn't turned his head, you know, right at that second it would have gone right through his brain and he realizes, you know, the gravity of it, but he's not at all flustered by it." The lawmaker also mentioned that Trump's injury constantly bleeds and necessitates a bandage, which the former president may need to wear for several days yet. He said, "I just came up because we're friends. I wanted to be there. We just hung out."



He had a personal meeting with Trump. Assessing Trump's injury, Jackson said, "He took the piece of his ear off the top, you know, your ear bleeds like crazy. But he's fine. Because luckily, it was just his ear." He also shared, "He didn't sew it up because it wasn't really amenable to being sewn because it was a bullet." He continued, "So it was more like a track you know. So they just basically have to kind of, you know, let it heal in." Jackson further predicted, "It's going to look okay once it fills in and everything I think." Talking about the seriousness of the injury, he said, "He probably [keep the bandage in place] because it's also real pliable, and it bleeds real easy."


He added, "The ear is just very vascular, and if you irritate it a little bit, then it just starts bleeding again. So when it bleeds, it gets all over everything. So he's got a dressing on it right now. Because he's been bleeding so yeah." Meanwhile, Trump broke his silence with his first interview the day after the assassination attempt. According to the Washington Examiner, he revealed that he has rewritten his convention speech entirely and aims to use this opportunity to foster national unity. He said, “The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger. Had this not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches. Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now.”


Trump continued, "This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together. The speech will be a lot different, a lot different than it would’ve been two days ago." However, Jackson shows no signs of easing up on his criticisms of what he perceives as Biden's cognitive challenges. When asked what he was going to speak about, he said, ''Probably Biden's cognitive stuff. Seems to be my lane." He added, "But we're not we can't ignore the fact that we have a president doesn't need to be president, you know. I haven't rewritten my speech."

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