'Desperate' to Celebrate His 40th Birthday With Friends, Prince Harry Misses His Royal Lifestyle

'Desperate' to Celebrate His 40th Birthday With Friends, Prince Harry Misses His Royal Lifestyle
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Belinda Jiao

Prince Harry is set to commemorate a significant life event next month. The Duke of Sussex is turning 40 and is missing his old royal lifestyle. “He’s an angry boy. Things haven’t turned out how he wanted," one of his closest friends revealed during an exclusive interview with The Times. “I think he misses being over here [in Britain] desperately and wants to be admired more." The friend continued, “Anyone who knows him feels he’d rather be top of the pops here with everyone loving him, as they do with William and Kate.” 


After resigning from his position as a working royal in 2020, Prince Harry is now at a 'crossroads' according to another reliable source. A former aide shared, “He loved the army and was very good at his job. The work with Invictus is great and fatherhood was the role he most wanted, so perhaps those are enough for him. But everything else is a bit woolly.” However, not all of his friends sympathize with the Duke. Speaking to the outlet, a friend criticized the Sussexes' media strategy to malign the royal family. "I can’t believe he’d stoop so low. It’s outrageously disloyal. Oprah, Netflix, and then the book? Three strikes and you’re out," they opined.

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Matt Dunham
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Matt Dunham


According to the UK Express, another of his buddies echoed, "Harry and Meghan could have left with dignity and decency and not trashed the institution. The conclusion is they’ve made money from trashing his family." As per reports, Meghan Markle has forced her husband to have a quiet celebration as opposed to an extravagant birthday bash. As per Closer, Harry had plans to travel back home for his special day.


“Harry was very keen to go to the UK and party with his friends, and he still would if Meghan let him, but she’s saying absolutely not. For one thing, it's a bad look for their brand. They’re hoping to hang out with the crème of society, with the Hollywood and political elite, so the idea of him knocking shots and acting like a fool with his pals in Mykonos or wherever, is just the worst possible idea,” an insider revealed.


“Harry hates to let his friends back in the UK down. He made a lot of promises to them and he knows they’re all looking forward to a big blowout. But it’s hard to justify that kind of wild party animal behavior at this stage of his life. As much as he might want to turn back the clock, those days are done." The informant explained, "He’s a married father of two now. He has to make his wife and kids the priority and Meghan just isn’t going to be happy if he shirks his responsibilities to try and recapture the so-called good old days. And in reality, as fun as some of the memories might be, even he admits he really wasn’t the best version of himself back then. And on top of that, it’s a security risk that he simply doesn’t need to take.”

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