On Wednesday, Demi Moore appeared publicly for one of the first times after her rehab. The actress looked healthy and happy but is allegedly still “frustrated” over Ashton Kutcher’s new romance with Mila Kunis. Even though the Charlie’s Angels star may still be healing from a broken heart, she looked stunning when she attended a GEMS Girls Like Us Benefit Gala. The movie star has reportedly kept a very low profile after an alleged “meltdown” in January and subsequent rehab stay.
The extremely thin and frail appearance of the 49-year-old actress earlier this year caused alarm for many fans. She walked down the red carpet at the gala looking fresh-faced and stylish in a black and nude print cocktail dress, according to the New York Daily News .
A source reportedly close to Moore had this to say to US Weekly :
“She was always insecure over the course of her marriage. So yeah, it’s hurtful that he’s with someone he knew the whole time he was with her.”
A different magazine source claims that Demi is both frustrated and jealous that her estranged husband seems to have already moved on with his life. As previously reported on The Inquisitr , Ashton Kutcher was named this year’s highest paid television actor by Forbes magazine. Taking over for Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men reportedly earns Kutcher a $24 million paycheck. Sheen previously topped the TV pay chart.
A People magazine source maintains that Demi Moore’s friends are not yet convinced that the actress is “all better.” The source claims that it was humiliating for the leading lady to have her husband cheat on her in such a public manner.”