Days Of Our Lives spoilers suggest that Justin Kiriakis (Wally Kurth) and Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) are not as blind as fans think. The two might be in on Victor Kiriakis’ (John Aniston) plan to destroy Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans.)
DOOL spoilers area ahead. Do not continue reading unless you want to know what is coming up on the NBC soap opera.
On Thursday’s episode of Days Of Our Lives , Victor and Maggie were caught kissing. Bonnie Lockhart was not pleased and wanted to know what was going on. Victor played it off like he was attacked by Maggie’s lips, but something else is going on. It is clear by watching Justin and Maggie’s over-the-top reactions that they are part of a bigger plan. This is making some fans wonder if Victor already has something up his sleeve.
In a Facebook group for Days Of Our Lives fans, there is a discussion about how easy it was for Bonnie to blackmail Victor . Perhaps a bit too easily. How quickly Victor had the divorce papers drawn up was strange, too. Most states have a mandatory waiting period between divorces and marriages, so a “quickie divorce” in order to marry someone else the same week wouldn’t even be possible.
Plus, Justin dramatically throwing down the divorce papers and Maggie crying buckets of tears was just too much. It is becoming obvious that there is a plan in place to take down Bonnie. Most likely, Justin and Maggie are part of that plan.
Days Of Our Lives spoilers reveal that Victor and Bonnie’s wedding begins on Friday, October 20. During the week of October 23, Bonnie and Sheila (Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins) try to escape. However, their attempt fails and Adrienne Kiriakis is finally a free woman. Also, the wedding will be crashed and Victor announces that he had no intention of marrying the doppelganger.
It all seems like a clever setup to nail Bonnie and expose her. However, what exactly does Victor know? Does he recognize that it is Bonnie and not Adrienne? Remember, many years ago, Bonnie worked for Victor at the Kiriakis mansion. Or does he really think that Adrienne’s “true self” is being revealed? Fans will have to keep watching Days Of Our Lives to find out.
[Featured Image by Evans Vestal Ward/NBC]