For fans that have been watching the Fox staple show Bones , the new storyline that has popular character Bones missing was a head scratcher — until now.
David Boreanaz, the star behind the fan favorite character, said that he went through a health scare that left him out of commission on set. According to TVLine , Boreanaz suffered a really bad reaction from an antibiotic he took. The actor has just started filming for scenes that will be inserted into episodes that will run starting October 1.
In a statement, the veteran actor said, “Nothing matters to me more than Bones , so I was thrilled when the producers came up with a way for me to take a few extra weeks to recover from a personal health issue without delaying production. I’m happy to say that I’m now feeling great and will be back to work tomorrow, and that our 11th season premiere will broadcast on schedule – with me in it.”
A few days ago, the news broke that it would be seasoned actress Ki Raver, who will look after Bones. Raver will play FBI Special Agent Grace Miller, who opens an investigation into the disappearance surrounding FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Man fans took to social media to give Boreanaz support in the wake of the news:
@David_Boreanaz so glad you’re okay love you David!!!
— Aleigh(@DancingWthBones) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz So glad you’re feeling better. Your words about Bones mean so much too. Thank you for all your work!
— Samantha (@SamanthaLaurenD) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz looking good David, glad to know you are feeling better ?
— Audrey (@pierce_angelus) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz Glad to hear that you’re doing better. Please continue to do what you need to keep yourself in good health. ?
— Angela Leigh (@Riona_Gallagher) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz woah dude. Hope you’re all good!
— Paolo (@KungPaoC) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz Glad to hear your health is good again, the show is very important to us but your health is more important than anything!
— A Canguru (@inesthekangaroo) August 24, 2015
@David_Boreanaz My heart broke a little when I read you had health issues. Very glad to hear you’re doing good. Love you.
— Bones Czech Fansite (@BonesCzech) August 24, 2015
Back in May, it was announced by Deadline that Fox renewed Bones for an 11th season. There was a creative shake up for the new season, as executive producer Jonathan Collier and co-executive producer were named the new showrunners. This rarely ever happens to a veteran series that has been going strong for 10 seasons.
[Photo by Fox]