Crystal Hefner, the 30-year-old wife of Hugh Hefner, previously shared a link to the Inquisitr article titled “ Explant Breast Surgery: Why Women Are Getting Their Breast Implants Removed [Graphic Photos]” to her more than 5 million Facebook followers, as seen below. As reported by the Inquisitr , the article described some of the negative symptoms women said they began to receive either months or years after getting breast implants. Hefner shared the piece to her Facebook followers on April 14 — and now a new viral post by Crystal explains why the article about breast implant removal was so personal to Hefner’s own breast implant journey.
On Tuesday, July 19, Crystal Hefner shared a very personal story to Facebook, which described getting her breast implants removed. Titled “ My Breast Implants Slowly Poisoned Me,” Hefner’s post offered a detailed look into her decision to undergo explantation surgery.
Within two hours of posting her breast implant removal surgery on Instagram, the post from Crystal gained nearly 7,000 likes. On Facebook, the full post about Crystal’s breast implant removal surgery gained more than 1,500 reactions and was shared more than 200 times pretty quickly.
With such a high-profile woman as Hefner coming forward to detail her breast implant removal surgery decision, chances are that many more women will look into other techniques, such as cosmetic surgeons who offer Brazilian Breast Lifts and fat transfers that don’t require the women to have high percentages of body fat in order to naturally enhance their breasts without saline or silicone implants, as reported by the Inquisitr .
Brazilian Breast Lift: Fat Transfers Without Implants And New Natural #BreastEnhancement Surgeries – Inquisitr News
— Clark Schierle MDPhD (@DrClarkSchierle) July 16, 2016
Hefner isn’t the only celebrity to describe having a negative reaction to breast implants.
As reported by the Inquisitr , Stephanie March — the estranged wife of celebrity chef Bobby Flay — also wrote a moving piece about trying wholeheartedly to live with the breast implants that she decided to get on a whim during a time of grief in her life. However, March reported that she was simply allergic to the breast implants.
No matter how many corrections March said she tried to get after waking up one morning and finding horrible and frightening leakage from one breast, the implants just did not work out for Stephanie.
Stephanie March: ‘Why I Got Breast Implants — And Removed Them’ [Photos]
— Jody M Reshaw (@jmreshaw) June 29, 2016
Everyday women are also taking to social media and using hashtags like [ Warning : graphic photos] #explant, #explantation , #breastimplantremoval , #breastexplant , #implantremoval and #breastimplantillness in order to share their own journeys about getting their breast implants removed.
Crystal described the types of symptoms that she experienced that Hefner wrote were related to her breast implants. They included back pain, memory loss, brain fog and a plethora of other symptoms that Crystal wrote began a few years ago. Hefner had her breast implants for eight years prior to getting them removed days ago.
Crystal wrote about not being able to DJ at the REHAB Pool Party at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, where Hefner can be seen in the above photo from September 19, 2015. Hefner wrote that she was so fatigued in 2016 that some days, Crystal couldn’t even get out of bed. Hefner wrote about fears of going to her DJ gig and blanking out in front of the crowd due to the “brain fog” she believed her breast implants caused.
In order to make things seem like they were fine and dandy on social media, Crystal used photos that could make it appear as though Hefner was healthy and well. However, once people on social media alerted Crystal to the fact that her symptoms sounded like breast implant illness, she performed more research, visited more physicians, and decided to get her breast implant removal surgery with Dr. Lu-Jean Feng.
Crystal described how breast implants can cause illness in her viral Facebook post.
“Over time, implants (both silicone and saline) break down and wreak havoc on your body. The shell on silicone and saline implants is comprised of silicone and over 40 other toxic chemicals: tin, zinc, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, formaldehyde and talc to name a few. Your immune system is constantly fighting them, leaving you vulnerable to other illnesses.
“The estimated time frame for these bags to start falling apart is 8-10 years, although some people experience problems soon after implanting and some much later. Breast implant removal surgery is now the 10th most performed surgery in the United States.
“I explanted with Dr. Lu-Jean Feng on June 15th, 2016. I believe she is the best in the country at what she does. Instantly I noticed my neck and shoulder pain was gone and I could breathe much better. I know I won’t feel 100% overnight. My implants took 8 years to make me this sick, so I know it will take time to feel better. I also have other illnesses to address, but with the toxic bags removed, my immune system can focus on what it needs to.”
[Photo by Erik Kabik Photography/ Retna Ltd./MediaPunch/IPX/AP Photos]