On Monday, musician and actor Corey Feldman announced he would be partnering with a new charity and encouraged his Twitter followers to stay tuned. Corey expressed his previous partnership with the Los Angeles Rape Foundation was not working out, as he accused them of being ungrateful of his support. Yesterday afternoon, the 46-year-old shared the exciting news he would now be an ambassador for CHILD USA.
According to the press release , Corey has been named the national ambassador for the organization. Together, the pair will fight to change laws regarding the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse crimes. This has been a cause close to Corey’s heart for decades and the Goonies star has been explaining the severity of this to his followers and his loyal #FeldFam.
Corey had a petition on whitehouse.gov which pushed to extend the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse crimes. Unfortunately, the 100,000 signature goal was not met in time and the petition has since closed. The proposal only earned a shocking 11,511 signatures, and will not reach the desk of the President.
The fight is not lost, as Corey will continue to fight for the cause with CHILD USA. The organization examines laws that are essentially harming children and ultimately fights to end child abuse and neglect. Corey’s role for the non-profit will include raising awareness on the statute of limitations and will aid in their fight to pass the Child Victims Act in New York. The Lost Boys actor will also donate proceeds from his GoFundMe campaign to help survivors of all forms of child abuse.
Corey Feldman plays audio naming alleged sexual predator https://t.co/Aa4cUDGZkK pic.twitter.com/fnCZmSSExK
— New York Post (@nypost) December 12, 2017
Corey has been speaking out about sexual abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood for decades, and his stories and claims remained largely silenced. After the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke, Corey continued to use his voice to expose those in Hollywood who had harmed him as a young boy, and recently released audio files proving he named an abuser back in 1993, as the Inquisitr reported Monday.
To support his cause, you can visit Corey’s GoFundMe campaign here , which is an extension of his crowdfunding effort on Indiegogo . Corey’s TRUTH campaign will finance security, lawyers, and a film set to detail his life story which will also expose other abusers in entertainment.