Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Tex.) is trying to raise funds for the US Senate primary by selling Obama barf bags.
For each $10 political contribution to his long-shot candidacy, Stockman has vowed to send out one “official” barf bag to the donor. On his website, Stockman declares that “Obama’s socialism makes me sick! And I have the barf bag to prove it!… Obama’s job-killing, freedom-stealing socialism makes me sick to my stomach. And it makes me sick with anger when I see him shredding the Constitution, exploding our debt, bowing down to foreign dictators and plunging this country into European socialism!”
A Tea Party favorite, Stockman was a last-minute entrant into the March 4, 2014, Republican primary. Incumbent Sen. John Cornyn is according to recent polling 44 points ahead and his campaign fund is flush with cash, so at the moment it seems unlikely that Stockman will be able unseat Cornyn.
According to Politico , “The numbers illustrate the challenge ahead for Stockman, a flamboyantly pugilistic back-bencher who took the Republican Party by surprise this week when he announced his campaign to unseat ‘liberal John Cornyn.’ But despite having a presence in the conservative media, Stockman is a relatively little-known figure statewide and had only $32,000 in his campaign account at the end of September. Cornyn, meanwhile, has some $7 million on hand.”
If no candidate gets 51 percent on primary day, there will be a runoff.
As The Inquisitr previously noted, Stockman has a reputation for being rather feisty when it comes to hot-button political issues and has been known to stir things up on Twitter . But whether you consider him fearless or offensive, the strong Second Amendment advocate “sticks to his guns.” Stockman previously threatened to file articles of impeachment against President Obama if he tried to implement additional gun control regulations via executive order, and he also invited gun-loving rocker Ted Nugent to the State of the Union address. He also demanded that the NSA turn over White House and IRS phone records to see if any improper contacts took place in relation to the IRS Tea Party scandal .
Stockman, a freshman Republican lawmaker, represents Texas’ 35th Congressional district in the US House of Representatives. He served one term in Congress in the mid 1990s. In November 2012, he defeated his Democrat opponent by 44 points (ironically the same number that he is currently behind) to return to Washington.
Do you think Steve Stockman’s Obama barf bag fundraising stunt is disrespectful to the office of the presidency or a potentially effective fundraising technique?
[top image credit: Gage Skidmore ]