Some users have been less than happy with Apple Music, the new service that’s been out for less than three months. As BGR reported, many users are finding Apple’s new service hard to use . The problem seems to be with Apple Music’s user interface and other functionality issues.
Apple Music allows users to play virtually any song in the iTunes library on-demand. The service is available for a free three-month trial, but costs $9.99/month after the trial period.
Recently, the Vice president of iTunes International–Oliver Schusser–was interviewed by The Guardian . Somewhat surprisingly, Shusser admitted that there are problems that have yet to be fixed with Apple Music.
“There’s a lot of work going into making the product better. Our focus is on editorial and playlists, and obviously we have teams all around the world working on that, but we’re also adding features and cleaning up certain things,”
Shusser also mentioned that Apple is receiving a lot of feedback from Apple Music users.
“The product is always our priority, and we are getting a lot of feedback. Remember, this was a very big launch in 110 markets instantly, so we get a ton of feedback. We’re obviously trying to make it better every day.”
The overwhelming majority of the complaints involve functionality issues. For most users that have complained, Apple Music is not as intuitive as they’d like it to be. Some people even mention in their complaints that similar services like Spotify are easier to use.
One aspect of the service that seems to work well for users is the radio feature. Apparently, the radio functions like one would expect and often helps users discover new songs and artists that they come to like.
Users are finding it ironic that Apple Music lacks simplicity and intuitiveness. Apple has always focused on making their products as simple and beautiful as they can make them. But in the case of Apple Music, the company appears to have failed in that respect.
In a Reddit thread created on the topic, a user compared the user interface of iTunes with Apple Music to Spotify.
“It’s really ironic how Spotify was originally just a slightly subpar copy of the iTunes UI. Today, Spotify uses basically the same UI as they’ve always have, but iTunes has become a cluttered and confusing mess.”
In the interview Oliver Shusser also announced that Apple Music will be available in on Android phones in the future. He said the company still has some work to do, but an Android version should be out sometime in the fall.
[Photo by Andrew Burton / Getty Images]