Mike Johnson Gets Slammed for Not Even Entering Trump’s Courtroom: “All Talk and No Action”

Mike Johnson Gets Slammed for Not Even Entering Trump’s Courtroom: “All Talk and No Action”
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

In a recent controversial incident, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was widely criticized for his performative appearance at former President Donald Trump’s courtroom without actually stepping inside. The event ignited a backlash on social media with users slamming Johnson for his apparent grandstanding.


One user pointed out, “Mike Johnson never even went in the courtroom. He was just there for the theater. What a clown.” Another echoed this sentiment, stating, “That’s what he’s good at. All talk and no action. You’d think he’d be doing work for the people today? Instead, he’s kissing the ring of a conman and grifter!” The criticism was harsh and widespread, with others exclaiming, “He had to go. That's why he kept his gavel. But I think he got cold feet in the end, about the appearance of impropriety. Performance Art.” Another user chimed in, “I think you have to be 48 inches tall to enter the courtroom.”


As per NBC News, Johnson’s appearance outside the Manhattan courthouse was meant to show solidarity with Trump, who has been embroiled in a hush money trial. Trump, agitated with the proceedings, expressed his grievances to Johnson during their car ride from Trump Tower.


Johnson reiterated these frustrations in an interview and said, “He’s clearly frustrated that he’s been tied up now for the fifth week in this trial that has no merit, that prosecutors had already passed on eight years ago, that they can’t define any crime that he has supposedly committed and the entire case is based upon a known perjurer, Michael Cohen. So it’s an atrocity.”


As per AP News, Johnson criticized the heavy security measures around the courthouse, suggesting they were politically motivated to suppress pro-Trump demonstrations. He stated, “No one can get in except law enforcement. Why would they make such a large perimeter? Yes, he’s the former president, but he has a full security detail as he goes about the country. The reason they did that, I believe, is part of the political purposes of this. They don’t want supportive crowds to be seen in favor of President Trump. I think it’s part of the strategy and I just think it’s a travesty of justice.”


Despite his vocal support for Trump, Johnson’s decision to not enter the courtroom drew ire. Representative Gerry Connolly, D-Va., commented, “It showed his true colors and why, with good intentions, we made a mistake in strategically saving his job because now we have enabled him to act with impunity as he did.”


Johnson defended his actions, asserting that his presence in New York was a spontaneous decision and a necessary stand against what he perceived as a threat to the justice system. "I went to New York to call out what I believe is a true threat to our system of justice. I really do believe that and people can interpret that however they want. But I felt like that was the right thing to do. And I have an important voice to lend to that."

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