Cindy Crawford isn’t just one of the hottest women of all time ; she’s a model mother too. Crawford just pulled her kids out of California’s Malibu High School because dangerous PCB levels were, again, found in the window caulk.
Malibu’s mama drama with Crawford started in 2013 when the Environmental Protection Agency was called in to clean up PCB levels. Three Malibu teachers had developed thyroid cancer and the rest of the teachers pointed to PCB levels. After all, how could they be expected to teach children to learn how to read with such PCB levels?
Skip over a lot of bureaucratic cat-walking, and we are in mid-July 2014 when a report revealed:
Illegal levels of a toxic compound dramatically higher than previously reported–as much as 7,400 times higher than legal limits and the highest known results for a classroom in the U.S.
At such really, really, ridiculously cancer-causing PCB levels, Cindy Crawford pulled her kids out–solid work!
But Crawford should keep walking down this catwalk. Crawford should tackle asbestos and lead paint .
The truth is asbestos was used to make building supplies more fire-resistant and sound absorbing…until in the late 1970s, court documents revealed that asbestos industry officials had been concealing that asbestos causes lung cancer for decades . Oh, Snap! Crawford, do you know that asbestos is still found in building materials? The BBC reports that,
More than 3,000 students in Wales slept in university bedrooms containing asbestos.
And remember Cindy Crawford, even though asbestos needs to be inhaled to be dangerous, lung cancer could be only one freak dorm-room pillow fight accident away.
(FYI: my dorms had asbestos sound tiles; we often saw flakes falling from the ceiling.)
Lead paint should also make Crawford’s list. Lead paint was banned by the US in 1977, but many homes still have those tasty paint chips. Crawford, did you know that lead causes brain damage and delays development? According to the University of Michigan,
About one in 20 preschoolers has high levels of lead in their blood.
Even though lead poisoning is preventable, people just don’t know about it. Cindy Crawford–I believe you might be of service. The results are in, “Cindy Crawford Pulls Kids” is a totally trending topic. Maybe you could get the word out for asbestos and lead paint as well.
So what would I do if Cindy Crawford supported cleaning up asbestos and lead paint? Naturally, I’d say, “Cindy Crawford, you are talking loco and I like it!”