A representative for Chris Brown has made a statement in response to an ongoing investigation that Brown is involved in.
The Inquisitr reported on Saturday that Brown was accused of punching a Las Vegas woman and stealing her phone after a concert he performed at on New Year’s Day.
A press release from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department reports that officers responded to a battery accusation against Brown early Saturday morning. The report stated that the incident took place outside of a hotel room at the Palms Casino Resort. The victim was a female “who appeared to have minor injuries sustained as a result of a battery.” She accused Brown of being the person responsible for her injuries.

According to the woman’s story, she was at a party in the hotel room when a verbal altercation occurred between her and Chris. The argument apparently started after Chris tried to take the woman’s cell phone from her after she attempted to take a picture of him.
“The victim was alleged to have been battered by Brown, who at the same time took her cell phone. A verbal altercation took place as the victim was escorted out of the room by private security and into the hallway.”
At the time, the woman had been escorted off of hotel property. She arrived back at the hotel later on to report what had taken place. Apparently, police who arrived on the scene attempted to contact Brown in his room, but they were not allowed inside. Authorities later determined that Chris had left the hotel room. Chris hasn’t been charged for anything so far, but he is currently listed as a suspect in the ongoing investigation.
“The LVMPD has not heard from Mr. Brown regarding this incident and the investigation remains ongoing. A crime report has been taken for misdemeanor theft and misdemeanor battery listing Mr. Brown as a suspect.”
Chris’ representative made a statement to People regarding the incident. He denies the accusations made against Chris, and claims that the investigation is based off of lies. According to the rep, the woman was out of control and completely made up her story.
“Her claim that she had her phone in her possession inside the after party and was able to take a photo causing an altercation with Chris Brown is a complete fabrication. This seems like a clear case of retaliation for her bruised ego.”
The accusations are not good news for Brown who, despite a recent comeback in his career, is well-known for the 2009 battery case against him. Chris pleaded guilty to felony assault against singer Rihanna, his girlfriend at the time. Brown entered a plea bargain of community labor, five years’ formal probation, and domestic violence counseling.
Despite his probation officially ending in March, 2015, Chris was involved with another confrontation in October, 2013, where he was charged with a misdemeanor assault. This incident also involved a woman who was attempting to take Chris’ picture. After he was charged, Brown voluntarily entered rehab and was sentenced to 90 days at an anger management rehab facility.
Though Chris’ representative believes the accusations are “unequivocally untrue,” it doesn’t help that Chris has a history of reacting violently when women attempt to take his picture.
Chris’ representative still insists that the woman had been escorted out of the hotel for “wild behavior” and a “total meltdown,” and the accusations held no truth whatsoever. However, the fact that Brown has been charged multiple times with assault, and has been sentenced by a judge to undergo domestic violence counseling and anger management rehab, won’t help Brown in defending his case.
Make sure check back with the Inquisitr to follow this investigation on Chris Brown.
[Photo by Rich Fury/Invision/AP]