Chief Keef isn’t welcome in Indiana, or at least that was the message authorities sent when they shut down a concert there on Saturday. Plot twist: the Chicago-born rapper wasn’t even there in person, TMZ reports.
Chief Keef was set to perform via hologram at the concert due to fears that he wouldn’t be welcome in the Midwest because of outstanding warrants. But concertgoers were forced to leave the venue after just one song.
According to TMZ , the concert was originally slated for Chicago, but it was canceled after it became pretty obvious that the city’s authorities weren’t prepared to welcome Keef and his crew with open arms. Deeming it a “significant public safety risk,” Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel requested that the venue pull out of the concert because Chief Keef is a bad role model. The venue complied.
Keef then changed the performance venue to Indiana and chose to perform via hologram whilst he was actually in Beverly Hills. That didn’t stop the police for shutting down the concert anyway.
The Chief Keef hologram was only able to perform, “I Don’t Like” before cops stormed the Wolf Lake Pavilion, turning off equipment and music and ordering concert attendees to vacate the premises, the Chicago Tribune reports.
“We spoke to the promoter several times, and they assured us [Chief Keef] would not be performing,” Hammond police Cmdr. Pat Vicari said to the Chicago Tribune . “Later, an officer working the show realized it was being streamed on one of the hip-hop sites, and promoters were warned again they would be shut down.”
The concert, called the Stop the Violence Concert, was a charity event meant to benefit the family of Dillan Harris, a toddler who was killed during the drive-by shooting of Chief Keef’s associate Melvin “Capo” Carr .
No arrests were made. The 2,000 people who attended had made donations of $50 or $80 to help the slain boy’s family. Concert organizer Alki David said in a statement after the Stop the Violence show shut down, he is considering taking legal action and criticized Rahm Emmanuel. David recently signed Chief Keef to a record deal.
“Shame on the mayor and police chief of Hammond for shutting down a voice that can create positive change in a community in desperate need. And for taking away money that could have gone to help the victims’ families,” David wrote. “This was a legal event and there was no justification to shut it down besides your glaring disregard for the first amendment right to free speech. You’ve clearly been bullied by the proud Mayor of the Murder Capitol of the U.S., Rahm Emanuel. Mark my words if you censor us you only make us stronger. Plus we’ll be back to sue your a**es.”
Chief Keef has yet to make a comment on the incident.
[Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images Entertainment]