Chelsea Handler took a swipe at Sarah Huckabee Sanders during her show on Friday that seemingly came out of nowhere. Handler called Huckabee Sanders a “w***e,” which caused a major backlash as word got around. News of Handler’s demeaning words spread quickly, and when it reached Sarah Huckabee Sander’s father, Mike Huckabee, his take was rather the opposite than most might expect.
According to the Daily Caller , Chelsea Handler called Huckabee Sanders a “harlot” and then tore into her “summer w***e” lipstick.
Hander said, “I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she’s got 6? long eyelashes, cleavage, and summer w***e lipstick all over her face.”
Mike Huckabee spoke about feeling sorry for Handler after he was asked how he felt about Handler’s attack on his daughter while on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning. But it appears he may have also have thrown in a few digs under that umbrella of dishing out sympathy for Handler. After saying how he feels sorry for Handler because she is “a very angry and bitter person,” he brought up a bit of her past.
He told the Fox & Friends audience, “The sad thing about it, she boasts about the two abortions she had at 16, I think in many ways she’s jealous of my daughter.”
Why Handler may be jealous is what Huckabee suggested next.
“My daughter has a husband who loves her and is wonderful to her, my daughter has three delightful children, she’s a happy, balanced person.” He then went on to say, “I truly feel sorry for [Handler] and I feel that she’s lashing out at a life that she’s never been able to understand.”
Chelsea Handler calls Sarah Sanders lewd names on her talk show, sparking outrage
— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 5, 2017
Huckabee then called for prayers for Chelsea Handler, saying, “Pray for her that she finds some peace because it’s pretty evident she doesn’t have it right now.”
Sarah Sanders’ dad says Chelsea Handler is barren and ‘jealous’
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 6, 2017
When Handler went off on her vile spiel that was aimed at Huckabee Sanders, she said, “Can you believe what they’ve turned her into,” “they” apparently meaning the Trump Administration. She then said what she believes “they’ve turned her into , “a proper trollop,” reports Raw Story . Handler has made no secret of her disdain for Donald Trump even before he was elected to office.
Huckabee was surprised that “there were not more women on the left who at least had the decency to call her out for this.” He then said while everyone is expecting him to be angry over Handler’s words about his daughter, the truth is he feels “sorry for her.”