TikTok star Charli D’Amelio took to Instagram on Friday, July 10, to share a series of sweet selfies. The teen sipped coffee while playing around with a variety of poses and expressions in the seven-photo post.
D’Amelio sported a strapless lavender top with a pattern of white daisies scattered across it. She purchased the top from the popular clothing brand Hollister Co. She accessorized with a thin silver Tiffany & Co. necklace in the shape of a heart, as well as dangling earrings. She showed off her bright pink and extra-long acrylic nails while holding up her iPhone to snap the photos. The manicure was completed by a professional named Kim Truong. The teen’s phone case, which was produced by the brand Wildflower Cases, featured an adorable image of two baby seals.
It appeared that the social media star had been spending some time soaking up the sun, with some tan lines visible on her shoulders and freckles dotting her nose. She wore her straight dark hair down naturally and appeared to have on some minimal makeup, including mascara and lip gloss.
In the first photo of the series, D’Amelio puckered her lips for the camera while holding up a glass of Dunkin iced coffee. The teen is known for being sponsored by the coffee company. The glass the beverage was in seemed to be a nod to the teen’s social media audience and featured the Twitter logo.
D’Amelio has a massive following on Instagram, and her post racked up over 3.5 million likes in mere hours. She boasts a total of 23 million followers on the platform as well as 70 million followers on TikTok. She remains one of the biggest creators on the entire platform, known for her viral dancing videos.
Many of D’Amelio’s fans took to the comments section of this particular post to compliment her on the selfies and express their admiration for her. Many others took the time to congratulate her on reaching 70 million followers on TikTok.
“Congrats on 70 million Charli! You deserve it all and there is so much more to come!” wrote one fan.
“CONGRATS ON 70 MIL CHARLI!!!! You deserve every single follower you have,” another person wrote.
D’Amelio may only be 16 years old, but she has already amassed major online fame. She, like other big name TikTok creators such as Addison Rae Easterling, has grown so successful that they have been able to land branding deals with major companies, as The Inquisitr previously reported.