In a city that is no stranger to violence and crime, New Orleans was hit with two separate shootings this past weekend, according to the New Orleans Police Department. One of the aforementioned shootings seemed as though it were plucked right out of a scene from an action movie.
On Sunday, a domestic dispute spiraled out of control in the Big Easy, leaving five people injured , the Times-Picayune reported. According to Police Superintendent Michael Harrison, a 25-year-old man named Charles Williams allegedly shot five people, including a police officer, during a wave of violence this past weekend.
The shooting began on St. Roch Avenue where a domestic argument spilled out into the street, according to WGNO . Williams, wielding a loaded gun, allegedly unleashed a round of bullets onto the front porch of a nearby home, injuring three people. The wounded were rushed to the hospital in stable condition. Police were dispatched to the scene, but not before Williams allegedly opened fire once again.
Williams reported spree of violence continued on the 1400 block of North Derbigny Street, where he allegedly shot another bystander in the face. Emergency units rushed the unnamed victim to the hospital where he or she was scheduled for surgery Sunday evening. The terrifying events continued as the alleged shooter made his way towards the 1200 block of Desire Parkway where he reportedly carjacked a driver at gunpoint before heading back to the original scene of the crime on St. Roch Avenue.
NOPD leader shot in spree that included shootings, carjackings and homicide: chief
— (@NOLAnews) April 23, 2018
Officers from the New Orleans Police Department were investigating the scene when Williams allegedly arrived and opened fire on the NOPD. A bullet grazed the chest of one of the officers, who, as of Sunday night, was doing well. The movie-like events continued to unfold in a high-speed car chase down 1000 block of Carrolton. The chase continued for several blocks until the gunman reportedly slammed into another vehicle and flipped his car upside-down allowing officers to finally intervene. Williams was taken into custody and booked on several criminal charges.
“Right now he is being charged with multiple armed robberies, he is being charged for multiple shootings in and around the city of New Orleans.”
The NOPD is continuing to investigate Williams’ possible involvement in another shooting that occurred on Sunday that left one victim dead from a gunshot wound to the head. The deceased crashed into another vehicle carrying two passengers. The unknown individuals were taken to the hospital. Police Superintendent Harrison does not yet know if the two shootings are related.