Chantae Gilman, a Seattle mother of four, has been charged with raping her neighbor. The suspected rapist is 28-years-old and weighs 240 pounds. She is currently 31 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, and she claims to suffer from mental illness and bipolar disorder. She has reportedly received treatment for mental health issues and drug abuse in the past. In 2006 and 2008, Seattle resident Chantae Gilman pleaded to criminal charges in unrelated cases.
The alleged victim of Chantae Gilman is a Seattle man whose name has not been released. According to New York Daily News , the victim is 31-years-old. The man claimed that he returned home after a birthday party and fell asleep prior to the June 16, 2013 assault. When he woke up, he discovered his neighbor on top of him. She was holding him down and engaging in sexual intercourse with him without his consent or knowledge. Upon awakening, he pushed her off him and then pushed her out of his apartment in West Seattle. Chantae Gilman is a local drug user, according to the victim. He did not know her personally, but he recognized her from the neighborhood.
Workers at the Harborview Medical Center examined the unidentified victim for signs of rape following the sexual assault. A DNA sample taken from the victim at the time was finally analyzed the following year, and that DNA analysis has linked the crime to Chantae Gilman. Seattle police arrested the suspect after an arrest warrant was issued. When they questioned her about the crime, she claimed not to have any recollection of the incident, according to KOMO News .
Seattle Police Department Detective Drew Fowler spoke about the details of the unusual case.
“From a statistical standpoint, yes, it is atypical to have a female aggressor, but we work to hold all people responsible for their actions. The law is specifically written to be gender-equitable and we will charge anybody with a crime that they’ve committed.”
Chantae Gilman will be arraigned on September 22, 2014 in a Seattle courtroom.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , another unusual crime made the news earlier this month when a woman with a suspended driver’s license was apprehended by state police thanks to her homemade license plate. The arts and crafts project consisted of a cardboard rectangle scribbled with red and blue markers, and the crafty driver didn’t even have good penmanship. She scrawled letters and numbers onto the fake number plate in a poor attempt to fool police, but it didn’t work. The creative woman faces multiple charges in the strange case.
[Image: Chantae Gilman, Seattle Police Department ]