Ridiculousness’ Chanel West Coast made a splash on her Instagram post with a new bikini pic. The rapper stood sideways to the camera, showcasing her curves. She also accentuated her derriere as she looked back at the camera. Chanel wore a long, pink wig and a matching striped bikini. She also sported some light pink sandals, some sunglasses, and a watch. The photo was taken in front of a colorful pink and red fence, with orange flowers. A similar color scheme is also seen on the building behind her.
Chanel also posted another bikini pic in the same outfit. This time, she laid on her back on a rasta-colored hammock. It’s possible to see more details from her bikini, like a bow accent on the front. It also looks like her sandals are from Gucci. Fans let her know how much they loved both photos, as some called her “Queen,” “My fav unicorn,” and “Classic.”
Her Instagram stories also show her wearing the same wig, as she gave fans a peek at her outfit. She even posted a short video of herself doing a little dance in the pink striped bikini. That color seems to be her favorite one right now, as she also posed in an all-pink outfit for Halloween. Although she said she didn’t have a specific character in mind, many people thought she was Barbie.
This past summer, the TV personality and rapper opened up about her stint on Fear Factor , during which she talked about women and the hip hop industry, detailed TV Insider .
“You see a lot of things where it will be an episode like this or even a music festival, and it will be all guys. And it turns into, ‘Where’s the girls?’ I think it was cool Fear Factor had me and Kodie Shane on this episode as well to rep for the females in hip-hop because I don’t think we get as much credit as we deserve.
“A real big reason for that is girls tend to be a little more catty and bump heads. I think if girls all came together and supported each other more that we’d be a lot bigger in hip-hop.”
Another point that she made was that she was glad to be recognized as a hip hop artist for the first time by MTV. Chanel has been part of Ridiculousness , which features her and others commenting on, and watching funny videos.