“Jar Kitty,” the cat that somehow managed to get a jar stuck on its head, has finally been freed of its cranial prison after 20 days of confinement, according to WTAE. The unfortunate kitten was first spotted by Greensburg, Pennsylvania resident Janine Quinn, who tried for nearly three weeks to catch the skittish critter. Being a feral kitten, the poor little cat was obviously frightened and avoided Quinn’s attempts on numerous occasions.
“I never wanted to give up on her even though it got really, really bad and I just walked around and cried the whole entire time thinking that she was gone,” Quinn explained.
However, her persistence eventually paid off. On Friday, Quinn was finally able to get her helpful hands on the cat, who was severely malnourished at the time. Sadly, the kitten also suffered from an eye injury and nerve damage, which were treated by a local veterinarian.
“The jar was so tight around her neck I couldn’t even get my fingers up there around her but it fit her head completely,” Quinn said. “When I got the jar off it smelled like infection. It smelled like death. I thought she was dying. She’s an amazingly lucky cat.”
What surprised Quinn and Dr. Becky Morrow the most is that the cat somehow managed to get enough water to survive 20 long days with a glass jar locked around its neck. Since water is essential to life, the kitten was obviously able to collect enough water to stay alive, although just barely.
Quinn, being the kind-hearted soul that she is, has decided to keep the little guy for the time being, though outdoor adventures are currently off limits. As soon as the kitten is back in tip-top shape, Quinn hopes to find someone willing to give the fortunate feline a happy new home.