Caylee Anthony was just two-years-old when she vanished, seemingly without a trace on June 16, 2008. Her story made national headlines when her disappearance wasn’t reported to authorities for a full month, on July 15. Her mother’s name, Casey Anthony, began to dominate the tabloid and true-crime headlines the next day when she was arrested on charges of child neglect. By the time Caylee’s skeletal remains were discovered near the Anthony family home in December of 2008, Casey was already behind bars, charged with her daughter’s murder.
As inTouch Weekly reports, Casey Anthony earned the nickname “the most hated woman in America” between the summer of 2008 (when it was made public that she’d partied for a month while the whereabouts of her daughter were supposedly unknown) and summer of 2011, when she was shockingly acquitted of Caylee’s murder.
After being released from the Orange County Jail in 2011, Casey Anthony found herself living a life in hiding. As PEOPLE reports, her attorney, Cheney Mason, claimed that Casey feared for her life and that the public was threatening her safety. Sightings of the notorious tot mom were few and far between. On the rare occasions that she was photographed, Casey Anthony was often snapped wearing a wig and/or dark sunglasses to hide her identity from those who believe she “got away with murder.” As recently as August 2016, Casey was verbally berated at a Flordia bowling alley trying to enjoy a night out with friends.
“People started saying they wanted to beat her up. Here she comes, the f***ing baby killer!”
Inside Casey Anthony’s Life as Her Notoriety Fades: ‘Guys Are Paying Attention to Her Again’
— People (@people) December 8, 2017
Now, however, nearly nine-and-a-half years after Caylee Anthony was first reported missing, Casey’s life seems to have changed for the better. Sources close to the 31-year-old claim that Casey Anthony is now simply living her life in South Florida, living with private investigator Pat McKenna and doing some legal investigation work. Not surprisingly, Anthony tends to be a fairly private person.
It could be because of her keep-to-herself-nature that, according to sources close to Casey Anthony, the disgraced to mom is facing far less hostility than she’s seen since her acquittal.
“People pretty much leave her alone. She can go out and no one really bothers her.”
Another source concurs that Casey is being treated far less “toxic” than she has been in the past. What’s more, Caylee’s mom has reportedly surrounded herself with a circle of friends, and even courting attention from the opposite sex.
I bet they do not want her to be the mother of their children
— Christy (@Christy_0107) December 8, 2017
Great I feel for her struggle after she murder her kid. Hope dating life is good
— Walter Van B (@donck5ive) December 9, 2017
“She’s going out now and then. She’s got a circle of friends, and guys are paying attention to her again. Guys are even asking her out now.”
Earlier this year, Casey Anthony gave her first media interview since being found not guilty of her daughter’s murder. During her trial, Casey’s defense team argued that Caylee’s death was an accidental drowning and that her father, George Anthony, disposed of his granddaughter’s body in a panic. During her Associated Press interview, however, Casey claimed to not know how Caylee died. She also went on to add that she “sleeps pretty good at night.”
“I don’t give a sh** about what anyone thinks about me, I never will. I’m OK with myself; I sleep pretty good at night.”
While it appears that Casey Anthony is getting on with her post-Caylee, post-acquittal life, sleeping good, making friends, and even dating, the jurors who acquitted her are reportedly not quite so lucky. In October 2011, the names of the jurors involved in the Anthony murder trial were made public. Since, many have reportedly gone into hiding to escape harassment, threats of violence, and even death threats.
Alternate juror, Russ Huekler, spoke out about the situation the jury faced when acquitting Casey Anthony in an interview earlier this year. According to Huekler, the prosecution dropped the ball.
“I’m not saying that Casey was innocent. The prosecution just didn’t prove their case. They couldn’t say how she died. They couldn’t connect Casey to the murder. It was all circumstantial evidence, the whole case.”
Russ Huekler went on to talk about the backlash jurors have faced in the aftermath of the highly controversial Casey Anthony verdict, claiming that he alone received “a thousand emails,” and that other jurors faced similar situations, causing them to hide out and remain silent since the Anthony trial.
“The most discouraging thing was the death threats. I probably got a thousand emails telling me that I didn’t deserve to breathe. How could I be so stupid, how could I be so wrong? Shame on me.”