Britney Spears Was Once Heartbroken to See Her Son Preston and Ex-Husband Kevin Speak Behind Her Back

Britney Spears Was Once Heartbroken to See Her Son Preston and Ex-Husband Kevin Speak Behind Her Back
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Kevork Djansezian

American singer and songwriter Britney Spears was once heartbroken by the claims made by her son Preston and ex-husband Kevin Federline, who are under the suspicion that Spears is using meth. Spears wrote in a lengthy Instagram post that whatever she did wasn't good enough, "so you guys go behind my back and talk about me."

Federline, a former dancer and the father of their two children was reportedly worried about Spears' wellbeing and tried to intervene on February 7, 2023, due to his suspicions that she is dependent on crystal meth. Federline stated, "I fear she's on meth – I've been praying someone would make it public and that she wakes up. It's terrifying. She is the mother of my boys."

Also urging her to seek assistance "before it's too late" was her 17-year-old son Preston. Preston, and Jayden, age 16, are the children that Federline, 45, and Spears, 41, have together. Their marriage lasted from 2004 until 2007.

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Spears fought back at the drug allegations in a message on Instagram, stating, "The fact that people are claiming things that are not true is so sad. This may not even be them saying such things because it doesn't make any sense to me for them to be saying that. With Preston saying 'She needs to listen to us before it's too late (sic).'"

She further added, "Do you remember every visit you came to my home, you went into your room and locked the door??? I never saw you guys. Jayden played the piano and we made music together. But the day I told him I wanted to see you guys more, I never saw you again. It makes me sad because I tried so hard to make things nice for you and it was never good enough. So you guys go behind my back and talk about me."

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Spears appeared to be heartbroken by the claims, continuing, "It breaks my heart and the news is so low. I've always felt like the news bullies me. It's sad because everyone sits back as if that's ok to make up lies to that extent. Why am I told I have to sit back and rise above??? When they all go so low??? Hopefully, it is just the news being hateful and Kevin nor Preston said any of those things either way I will be fine working out to Throb!!!"

During the couple's 2007 custody dispute, Spears' history of addiction was brought up, and the California judge came to the conclusion that she was "a habitual, frequent, and continuous" drug user. Although Spears never admitted to being under the influence of drugs, she had revealed that she was forced to take lithium, a mood stabilizer, because she was still subject to the conservatorship's requirements, as per LBC.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Vivien Killilea
Image Source: Getty Images | Vivien Killilea


Following a protracted legal struggle in 2022, Britney ended her lengthy conservatorship, under which her father had complete authority over her finances, and has grown distant from her family in recent years.

The documentary, called "TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom," delved deeper into her life after the conservatorship expired in 2021 and made many revelations about her relationship with her family and children including her union with Sam Asghari.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on June 13, 2023. It has since been updated.

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