On Monday, Teen Mom OG aired an episode featuring Bristol Palin talking about her divorce with ex-husband Dakota Meyer, as the Inquistr details. Now, on Tuesday, Us Weekly is saying that Palin took to Instagram during the Monday evening show to further expand on details as to why the couple’s divorce was meant to be. It seems that the 27-year-old Dancing With the Stars alum felt that she had to defend herself and her family’s choice for a divorce, as Palin made sure to point out that the divorce was the right decision on her Instagram story. She also went out of her way to make sure that it didn’t look like she was speaking badly about her ex.
“Dakota is an incredible father, there is NO denying his love for our baby girls, I am extremely grateful for that… Our marriage was over WAY BEFORE TMOG,” Palin wrote on her Instagram story, per Us Weekly.
It also seems like the star felt the need to clarify that her marriage fell apart before the couple showed up on Teen Mom OG. Apparently, the divorce was filed by Meyer in February, and Palin claims that she did not want a divorce at first. The couple had been married for one and a half years before divorcing due to “conflict of personalities.”
Palin cited her children as the main reason that she knew that a divorce had to happen between the couple.
“I did not ask for a divorce, but I did look at my children, and knew the marriage was NOT what was best for them,” said Palin.
She also claims that she did “everything she could” to save her marriage, but in the end wanted to save her children from the couple’s problems. Apparently, to Palin, the couple’s split symbolizes her “putting my foot down” on their marriage problems.
“I never ‘gave up’ on Dakota, or on our family. I know in my heart I did everything I could. My children come before ANYTHING,” Palin wrote.
In the latest Teen Mom OG episode, the Inquisitr reports that Palin expressed no regret for her split with Meyer. Even though the star realizes now that they moved too fast, she still doesn’t seem to think that they will ever be together again.
Us Weekly also reveals that Palin shared a little peek into what her co-parenting relationship is like with her ex.
“You’ve got to be on the same team,” Palin told the news outlet.