Teen Mom 2 star Briana DeJesus recently took to Twitter to reveal that she wishes she had someone who would “not give up on” her. While she didn’t go into any detail about what she was talking about, many fans chimed in and were supportive of the mom-of-two.
“Sometimes I wish I had somebody real in my life to help me out and not give up on me but I can’t forget that I have myself and I’m learning that myself is enough!” Briana wrote on Twitter on Monday.
On the most recent season of the show, fans watched as Briana’s relationship with her long-distance boyfriend played out. While the two appeared happy and often traveled back and forth between Florida and New York to see one another, Briana ended up breaking up with him via text on the final episode of the season. She explained that she “wasn’t happy” with her boyfriend and simply didn’t want to be with him anymore.
Following her tweet, which had over 670 likes and 77 retweets, fans chimed in and reminded the mom-of-two that she does have some people in her life.
“At least you have your sisters and mom!” one follower wrote.
As most fans of the show know, Briana is close with her mom as well as her sister, and all three have lived together for years. Most recently, Briana purchased a brand new home for herself and her daughters and revealed that her mom and sister would continue to live with her as well.
However, some felt her closeness with her family is what is hindering the young mom.
“You have your mom and sisters help and I feel that’s the problem. Not saying that you’re not grown up but sometimes you have to grow up and cut the I’m umbilical chord,” one person wrote.
Others sent encouragement to the mom-of-two, letting her know they were rooting for her.
Another follower chimed in and said, “when you get comfortable doing it alone, it’s gonna come natural & you’ll soon realize you only got YOU!”
Briana DeJesus didn’t reply to any of the tweets, but it appears she has a lot of support from her followers and fans, many of whom have been following her story since she appeared on 16 and Pregnant . Although the new season of Teen Mom 2 recently came to an end, Briana will appear on the Teen Mom 2 reunion special on Tuesday night.