Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday appeared angry and aggressive, as the Inquisitr reported, complete with a conspiracy theory that the sexual assault allegations against him were “a calculated and orchestrated political hit,” motivated by “revenge on behalf of the Clintons,” — theory for which Kavanaugh simply asserted without offering any evidence, as Vox reported.
But Kavanaugh also appeared to exhibit another obsession in his lengthy testimony, which came on Thursday afternoon after Christine Blasey Ford — who says that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her — testified in the morning. Kavanaugh, it appears, really, really likes beer.
“I liked beer. I still like beer. But I never drank beer to the point of blacking out and I never sexually assaulted someone,” Kavanaugh said, as quoted by the Daily Mail .
But that was far from the only time that Kavanaugh mentioned beer.
“My friends and I sometimes got together and had parties on the weekends, the drinking age was 18 in Maryland for most of my times in high school and was 18 in D.C. for all of my time in high school,” Kavanaugh said, per NBC News . “I drank beer with my friends, almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers, sometimes others did.”
The site Deadspin compiled every mention of beer by Kavanaugh at the hearing into a single video. Watch that video below.
Deadspin writer Giri Nathan described Kavanaugh’s testimony as “an overlong fever dream, taking surreal detours into calendar hygiene, workouts with some now-legendary Tobin, his own principled virginity, and yearbook editors’ taste for mischief.”
One Twitter user contrasted the words used frequently by Kavanaugh with words used by Ford, who is a research psychologist at Palo Alto University.
Christine Blasey Ford: “Indelible. Hippocampus. Multi-factoral.”
Brett Kavanaugh: “BOOF, SQUEE, BEER BEER BEER.”
— Lindsay Zoladz (@lindsayzoladz) September 27, 2018
TIL Kavanaugh really likes beer.
— Tofu Drift (@gnujnike) September 28, 2018
I think the most compelling thing I learned about @BrettKavanaugh during the Committee Hearing is that he liked beer. He drank beer. His FRIENDS drank beer! HE LIKED BEER!
— Laura Sieling (@HereToLuhrhn) September 27, 2018
Kavanaugh: “Beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer. I like beer. I like beer. Beer, beer, beer. La-dee-da. Beer. Beer. There. Have I broken the world record for number of times saying the word ‘beer’ at a hearing?” #KavanaughHearings #Snark
— Craig Rozniecki (@CraigRozniecki) September 27, 2018
In addition to his love of beer, another takeaway from Kavanaugh’s testimony, according to New Yorker writer Katy Waldman, and other political experts, was that the nominee’s testimony raised new issues about his temperament, and whether the high level of anger he displayed makes him unfit to serve on the Supreme Court.
The funny part is that even if Kavanaugh never attacked any of these women, his performance today is utterly disqualifying for the position he wants. A partisan, weaselly, disgraceful harangue/tantrum with a starring role for his love of beer.
— Katy Waldman (@xwaldie) September 27, 2018
This is not demeanor of someone one sees as a Supreme Court judge. He comes off as partisan hack ex frat boy.
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) September 27, 2018
If you couldn’t imagine an angry, drunk Kavanaugh before, you can now.
— JackiSchechner (@JackiSchechner) September 27, 2018
We are seeing the real Brett Kavanaugh.
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) September 27, 2018
Wow, Kavanaugh cloaking himself in rightwing victimhood, sounding like a Fox News commentator
— Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) September 27, 2018
“What we are seeing is a model of American conservative masculinity that has become popular in the past few years, one that is directly tied to the loutish, aggressive frat-boy persona that Kavanaugh is purportedly seeking to dissociate himself from,” wrote New York Times journalist Alexandra Schwartz, in an essay published online shortly after Kavanaugh concluded his testimony.
“When Kavanaugh is not crying or shouting, he uses a distinctly adolescent tone that might best be described as ‘talking back,’” Schwartz continued. “He does not respond to senators. He negs them. His response, when he is asked about his drinking, is to flip the question and ask the senators how they like their alcohol.”